
Weapons will ensure: what military prospects in Ukraine by the end of 2025

In 2024, the issue of weapons supply from the event is closed, says blogger Roman Shrik. Moreover, even today, without taking into account the results of elections in the US, you can be sure about 2025. Let's fix the current situation. For 2024 we have a closed issue of weapons supply. The US, the EU and individual European countries have identified sufficient budgets. In 2025, Europe will continue to increase military assistance (one Germany threatens to allocate € 15 billion).

US assistance depends on the results of the presidential elections and Congress. Here is a roulette until we guess. But there is an option for a bad result - $ 50 billion, allocated at the expense of income from frozen Russian assets. That is, the two -year crying of useful idiots that "the West drains" is not likely to come true in 2025. This means that everything is now in the hands of Ukrainian authorities and society.

How well the military leadership will work, how well the processes will be established, how many moral forces are left in those who are fighting, how many patriotism reserves are in the rear. Russian forces are not limitless. Analysts agree that in 2025 we will see a significant decrease in the amount of Russian "iron" on the front. The warehouses are increasingly empty, and the production of new equipment and not closely covers losses. With deliveries to the front of the Russian "meat" is unclear.

Now everyone is solved by crazy payments when contracting. But sooner or later those who want to get a million and die, as the flow of ideologically charged ended, and then you have to decide again with a whip. Here I will abstain from the forecasts, we will observe. Together. The main call for the next one and a half years is ourselves. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position. The author is responsible for published data in the "Thought" section.