
Citizens will be able to own a firearm, but there is a nuance: Parliament has taken a bill

Finding and registered weapons will not be owned by citizens - 90 days after the end of the martial law it will need to be submitted. Citizens will now be able to declare and use the found weapons to repel the aggression of the Russian Federation. The corresponding bill was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, "291 deputies voted in favor. Alexei Goncharenko was broadcasting the meeting of the meeting.

From now on, civilians who have found firearms (the main parts, ammunition to it) are obliged to inform the National Police and transfer everything found to law enforcement officers for 24 hours. In the future, these weapons either remain in the police or declare and return the owner to the end of martial law. After the martial law, the person will have another 90 days to hand over the weapon.

According to the explanatory note, it is planned to grant civilians the right to declare existing weapons and ammunition to it for further repeling of the aggression of the Russian Federation. In addition, the bill aims to streamline the rules of weapons. It should be noted that this is not the only bill that the Verkhovna Rada adopted today. In particular, Parliament plans to give foreign volunteers the right to temporarily reside in Ukraine.