
Resistant to: the Armed Forces began to use American Air-Bombs GBU-39-WP

If the GlSDB reactive shell is vulnerable to the Russian HR, the GBU-39 airbags affects the target in 90% of cases, journalists write. Russian troops have learned to stuff the American high -precision weapons such as Excalibur, GLSDB and other weapons. Therefore, the Ukrainian military began to use GBU-39 bombs, which are part of GLSDB. About it reports The Washington Post. According to the documents received by journalists, the GBU-39 small diameter was resistant to muffling.

According to estimates, almost 90% of airbombs have achieved their goals. The smaller size complicates the detection and interception of Russian systems. For the first time, Ukraine received GBU-39 in November 2023, but was not publicly announced. It is unknown which plane became the carrier of the GBU-39 bomb, and which version of the ammunition was received by Ukraine. In the event, the fighters of F-15, F-16 and F-35, the A-10 rustle and bombers are the carriers.