
This is genocide. Shocking footage from raisins. Russia's military criminals need to be punished

"Today, all Russian propaganda, political nomenclature, interrogated Russian prisoners of war, the surviving sacrifices of the Russians - everyone is shouting that the purpose of Russian killings was the destruction of people who recognize themselves as Ukrainians. They try to destroy the identity and its carriers. ". Opinion. We.

Why do we call Russian crimes in Ukraine genocide? If you do not resort to the intricacies of international law, then the murders of people (not necessarily even mass) are called "genocide" if the purpose of their implementation is to completely or partially destroy the national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such.

Today, all Russian propaganda, political nomenclature, interrogated Russian prisoners of war, the surviving sacrifices of the Russians - everything is literally shouting that the purpose of Russian murder was the destruction of people who recognize themselves as Ukrainians. They try to destroy the identity and its carriers. The Nazis with the Jews did the same. Likewise, the Rando Patriotic Front made Tutsi.

The military criminals who faced the international tribunal against the former Yugoslavia also made. Russian invaders make in Ukraine such that it is not simply under definition, but it seems that they want to do everything as described and convicted at the UN Convention on the Prevention of Genocide Crime and Punishment.

Deldery for yourself: they kill and torture for Ukrainian and loyalty to their citizenship, fireting maternity hospitals and evacuation buses with women and children, forcefully export hundreds of thousands of children to ORDLO and Russia, destroy settlements and civilian infrastructure. If you have time, I invite everyone to read the convention and draw their conclusions. It also describes what and how to do with those who commit these crimes. Eternal memory of fallen Ukrainians.