
"Need Synergy": As the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation overtook the Armed Forces in the production

According to volunteer Sergei Sternenko, the invaders have a vertical, within which the Russian Defense Ministry and volunteers produce drones and infrastructure to them. In Ukraine, there is no such cooperation, which is a threat to the defense forces. The Ukrainian army was the first to use the FPV-Drones on the battlefield. Russian troops not only learn from the Armed Forces, but also began to systematically produce such drones.

The Ukrainian volunteer and blogger Sergey Sternenko in his video told about it. According to Sergiy Sternenko, they have already handed over about 20 thousand FPV-pates to Ukrainian defenders. This type of weapons proved its efficiency on the front and they have great potential for development. The drones were allowed to strike the goals of the invaders and the live force on the line of contact.

Therefore, the Russian Federation began to systematically solve the issues of FPV-aids in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The invaders began: Sternenko notes that the process is actively supported and stimulated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Russians have learned to make repeaters to strengthen the FPV-aroma signal, and also began to install an infrared chamber in the drone. This allows you to act at night.

According to the volunteer, in Ukraine also work on such drones. In the Russian army, separate units are created both with drones and to combat them. There are only individual mouthpieces in the defense forces, but this, according to Sternenko, is not enough to dramatically change the situation. The Ukrainian army also requires a separate doctrine of the use of drones-Kamikadze. "Russian drones create a serious problem for our troops.

In addition to destroying equipment and blows on our military, the constant use of FPV-punks stops almost all logistics, evacuation, etc. And hundreds of thousands of drones in China, " - says Sternenko. The problem, according to Sergiy Sternenko, is also that volunteers and foundations are engaged in the development of drones in Ukraine.

The invaders are close to overtaking the Armed Forces in the field of drones due to investment of large resources and the work of volunteers, funds and the Ministry of Defense. "Volunteers and the Ministry of Defense are engaged in the purchase of drones and the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense is not engaged in the purchase of FPV. This is done by the Ministry of Defense, but as you know, even financial resources are smaller," Sternenko continues.

According to him, there is no coordinated work of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces command in Ukraine. Currently, the state only buys drones. Meanwhile, the invaders have already started using FPV-pings at sea. Recall that focus is a specialist in communication, EW and intelligence Sergey "Flash" told how the Armed Forces will fight with the FPV-Drones of the invaders. On December 10, the FPV drones were destroyed by the Russian APC with the RP-377 system.