
If Ukraine will not show the fall of the possible scenes of the post

The Allies are afraid of the victory of Russia, and the victory of Ukraine to subjugate warriors and the peace will be the position of our Western Allies. Of course, it is not consolidated, there is a different kind of wrist, but nowadays the mainstestrim has already rushed. And he does not deliver us to joy. Western elys are very afraid of the three variants of the development of the catwalk: 1.

Westerly afraid is afraid of defeat of Ukraine: this means the polytic failure In Europe, the beginning of China aggressions. 2. Western Elite is afraid of the defeat of Russia: it means raspad, collaps, humanitarian catastrophe, large -scale crisis of Bezhentev, disgraceful dissection of nuclear orezhia and china. 3.

Western Elite is afraid of delaying war: it means that it is possible to consolidate their generality, the depth of the intrapolitanic resistance and, to the end, the presentation of Ukraine is all overwhelming from the first point. If you can give you to defeat Ukraine, the defeat of Russia, the delay of war, then what is remained? (I will be in the brackets that if all the screenings for you, it seems that they have already played, at least in their head.

At the time If for you all the scripts of the flat from the beginning, it seems, you have from the beginning of the inadequate picture of the world), an intak, which is remained in the Western Elite? In the first time, remained swore, as it would be good, if Ukraine would be capitulating into the flow of a lot of days or Nedel in the spring of 2022.

If then there would be no problems, there would be no war (on the outer), it would not be possible to take away the days from the budget of their countries, etc. In its resistance, Ukraine has made the whole problem (on the deale itself, on the all). In-the-gaps, revenue to live with the mifts, allowing the old inadequate picture of the world.

I will impose: a) Putin Umret (on Dele Putin does not mind, therefore that the man cannot be soldered, in which he is not enough twofolds, controlled by people from the closer circle); b) after Putin's death by the President of Russia Staneta (on the same not, the real power in the hands of the FSB and the other clan, and also if Navalny will release and name the president, this is not the case); c) after the death of Putin and the penetration and innovation of the Navalny he democratizes Russia in 1-2 years (on the same no, therefore, for democracy, the needed and institutions are in need of democracy, and the other, and the second one).

In-threes, a second to defeat Ukraine, to defeat Russia and to delay warriors can come up more than the fourth variant-the winding of warriors. But for the negotiations and the need for needed as much as the Ukrainian and Russian sides, and one of them is not so-called: Ukrainian community is not sought On it - you need to get the ground of Ukraine.

The fourth, the end, it is possible to give nothing, and they are given that something is being launched, and this is the use of the situation or will bring to the appearance of new information. To immerse, Putin Umret (see more). It is now nowadays to delay the west elliths, a provoked slogan "We will be with a Ukrainian table, I need", I need to be for what? Warriorly, the sort of war is completed, the end of the end of the warrior is sufficiently complex, I would even say, unable to.

(I hope, who no longer remained in the retention of the fact that the existence of the APU on the border of 1991 means the completion of Voyne). What do they do? The way is only one: Ukraine will need to show the maximum subjective and in -traumatical in the check of the completion of the woo. Open, analyze and show our allies, the scenes of the post. Saglasses are scripted and formulated for resources and mechanisms, which is not expensive for ego realization.

The interruption of its complex of incomprehensibility, as well as colonial, and mental fishing of our allies. Attachment on its side of the western intellectuals and public faces. Refill the cable and the fourth consumption of the unknown countries (which is not very correctively called "global yug"). Form the anti -impere block of the Russian Federation. Stock the international coalicia for the rested peace, as we browned coalicia in the embankment of Ukraine.