
Putin is not a place here. As Erdogan once again showed the Russian Federation, who

It is difficult to call the President of Turkey an ally of Ukraine, says journalist Orest Sohar. But at the same time, he draws attention to how regularly and rigidly Erdogan puts in the place of his Moscow colleague, despite all their political embrace. Erdogan supported the return of Crimea, putting Putin in place. But it should not be considered a strategic ally. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again demonstrated Putin, which pursues his policy and acts only in his own interests.

Speaking at the 4th Summit of the Crimean Platform, he stated that the return of Crimea to Ukraine is the requirement of international law, and Turkey has always supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine. But even in this game, Erdogan is interested in her own benefit first. Why is Erdogan, who is about to join the Processing Brix, support Ukraine, staring another knife in the back of a bunker grandfather? First, he feels from above with the "second Vladimir".

Turkey is a member of NATO, successfully trade with Europe and with the whole world and does not depend on Russia in anything. And Erdogan himself pleases the role of a peacekeeper. These EU countries should look at neighbors and pursue their coordinated policy. And the US is to satisfy senators from all states. Only Erdogan himself can ban something erdogan. Secondly, Erdogan, like Putin, has phantom pains about the imperialist past.

For almost 700 years, the borders of the Ottoman Empire have gunned a large part of modern Europe, Asia, the Russian Caucasus and North Africa. But unlike the bunker, Erdogan understands that now the force of picking land from neighbors is somehow in a timely manner. And to influence them economically - it is quite likely and very profitable. A kind of empire of influence, and Erdogan is one of the key influentors of the region.

Third, the prudent Erdogan balances between the political poles of the world: it does not impose sanctions against Russia, but supplies weapons to Ukraine, does not break diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation and is ready to guarantee peaceful negotiations. While Putin destroys himself in the war in Ukraine, Erdogan is expanding the area of ​​influence on Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and even Iran. Ankara is even ready to become a "translator" between NATO and the Global South.

Fourth, there are 55 cells of Crimean Tatars in Turkey; According to various estimates, the Crimean Tatar diaspora in Turkey ranges from 1 to 7 million people. And they all consider Crimea Ukrainian, so the country's leader should not be neglected. Erdogan Turkey seeks to create her own pole in the world stage. The country has many concomitant factors for this: a luxurious location between Asia and Europe, control over the Bosphorus, NATO membership, and soon in Brix or even in the SOS.

It has not turned out to become an EU member, so now Erdogan contrasts himself with the EU. It is important to finalize the political portrait of Erdogan. He is ready for sharp steps where even NATO is helpless and rapidly shot by his hands. Remember how Turkey shot down the Russian Su-24 in 2015 on the border with Syria when it violated the country's airspace. Erdogan closed Bosphorus and Dardanelles for all warships, and Russia was first and foremost suffered. He organized a "grain corridor" . . .

When the Russian Federation did not want to negotiate, two dozen tankers with Russian oil "stuck" in the Bosphorus Strait. He also supplied to Ukraine "tailrars", and now the son -in -law will build a plant from their production in our territory. He returned the commanders of Azov in 2023, although he promised to keep them in Turkey until the end of the war. Erdogan does and does not explain anything Putin.

Compare with NATO, which every time rolls political eyes when Russian drones or planes "mistakenly" fly into their airspace. But to consider it an ally of Ukraine is inadvertently. He is a situational accomplice and acts based on the logic of his political strategy - Turkey's leadership. The country becomes a more noticeable world player: Erdogan will conclude contradictory unions, hug Putin, trade Russian oil and at the same time put the bunker in place.