
Protects "uterus": Armed Forces apply a new technology to save their drones (video)

According to the expert in the field of radio technologies Sergei Bezrozhrony, the Armed Forces use UAV, which, separating from the main drone, affects the goals that can threaten him. The Armed Forces of Ukraine use technology that allows you to protect the battle drone from attacks and fly to the target. The relevant video was posted by a serviceman and a specialist in the field of radio technologies Sergey Narbrynov on the pseudonym "Flash".

The expert explained that the Armed Forces used two drones at once. One of them is the main - the "uterus", and the other serves to protect the main and damage to goals that can threaten the UAV. "The drone, separating from the uterus, attacks the target at the bottom or protects the uterus from another FPV," Beskrestnov writes. At the same time, according to him, Russians also use similar technology. "A video from our Ukrainian team that does it.

Please also connect to developments and implementation. This is the future. Our enemy is already using this equipment on the fronts," the expert said. We will remind, in Russia are looking for a method that will prove effective against Ukrainian anti-aircraft FPV-pans. In particular, the occupiers came to visually "mask" UAV, giving them for Ukrainian.