
The African War of Ukraine and Russia: on whose side there will be south and that decides Kuleb

The Mali Republic has broken diplomatic relations with Ukraine, accusing Kiev of "supporting terrorism in Africa". What can be the local and global consequences of a high -profile diplomatic scandal, which arose in the midst of the next African tour of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, found out the focus. On Monday, August 5, it became known that the African country of Mali severed diplomatic relations with Ukraine.

However, it cannot be said that such a step was a surprise, since the tension between Kiev and Bamako has grown at least over the last week. In particular, at the end of July, on the outskirts of Tinsauatin, the military servicemen Mali and Wagner's PECs began a fight with local Tagers rebels. As a result of the armed clashes, the Mali Army and the Wagnevtsi were forced to retreat from the positions, and the rebels-Tugar reported the death of 47 government soldiers and 84 Wagner fighters.

The incident was commented by GUR Andriy Yusov, who stated that "the insurgents received the necessary information, and not only information that enabled them to conduct a successful military operation against Russian military criminals. " After the unambiguous hints of Mr. Yusov, a scandal broke out, which appeared to the Ambassador of Ukraine to Senegal, Yuri Pivovarov.

Thus, according to Senegal's Foreign Ministry, a Ukrainian diplomat posted on his Facebook page a post, which referred to "unconditional support" of Tuaretig rebels who ambushed the Mali and Wagner army. Subsequently, this message was removed, but the ambassador still received a call to Senegal Foreign Ministry. He was reminded of "the strict instructions he had to get acquainted with and follow them in view of the seriousness of the diplomatic mission.

" In addition, the Senegal Diplomatic Office said that Dakar adheres to "constructive neutrality in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. " Vlad Burkina Faso also criticized Kyiv, who called on Ukraine to "realize its responsibility and first of all to take itself. " As for Mali, diplomatic relations with Ukraine in this country were established in 1992. However, despite 32 years of their existence, there were no official visits between the states and there were no contacts at the parliamentary level.

In addition, the "diplomatic mission" in Mali was responsible for the Embassy of Ukraine in Algeria. It is significant that the Little not only tore the diploma, but also called on the neighbors to stop destabilization, which proceeds "from the Ukrainian embassies located in the Sahel, with terrorists disguised as diplomats.

" Nevertheless, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was sorry because of the decision of Mali and stressed that Bamako did not conduct "a thorough study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in the north of Mali, and did not provide any evidence of Ukraine's involvement in this event. " At the same time, the Verkhovna Rada spoke much less diplomatically.

In particular, Alexander Merezhko, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Policy and Inter -Parliamentary Cooperation, noted that "there will be no serious consequences" due to the break of diplomatic relations. "There is a military coup that has condemned the UN. There is now a military junta in this country, which generally does not respect the countries of Africa and the global south," Mr. Merezhko assured.

Meanwhile, the experts with whom focus spoke are convinced that the current conflict on the Ukraine -little line has a more deep and global context than may seem at first glance. In particular, political scientist Viktor Nevzhenko in conversation with focus notes the following: "First, it should be noted that the Mali management is illegitimate-it is the power of the military, which two years ago dropped the legal president. Already only this fact simplifies the task for Ukraine.

Secondly As soon as the Russo-Ukrainian War end, the Ukrainian military will work in hot spots of the world. PVC will be faced more than once in Africa. " Noting that Africa is currently 50% controlled by Iran, China and the Russian Federation through Wagner, the expert added: "Now in Africa, conflict is fled from Sudan and Mozambik to Morocco. And Morocco, France and a little Ukraine have connected to this conflict there in Little there, Where the Russian Wagner is located.

Ukraine and the Russian Federation will interfere with the situation, speaking on a particular political side, and most often it is a conflict of local authorities with a radical Muslim opposition. " Considering the high prestige of the Ukrainian military, Ukraine, the political scientist, will once again have to participate directly in various armed conflicts, in particular on the African continent.

Commenting on the focus the break of diplomatic between Mali and Ukraine, the expert of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Ivan Us said: "In my opinion, there was a bell from Russia to Mali so that this country breaks relations with Kiev. For Russia, just during the visit of Dmitry Kuleba in Africa is important to demonstrate its influence on the continent and show Ukraine that it is there to look for allies.

" Having emphasized that many African governments are currently using Wagner's services, which is not only recognized in Ukraine by a terrorist structure, Ivan all stated: "Therefore, if small and in general, any country makes Wagner component of his own safety, she must Understand that Wagner's enemies become her enemy. There was a coup, which resulted in the pro -Russian forces instead of the Tradzuzh forces.

" Recalling that before the coup in Niger, neighboring Nigeria also "was going to do something there", the political scientist emphasized: "There is an idea of ​​building a large oil pipeline from Nigeria to Algeria or Libya, which will give direct access to the Mediterranean, and therefore - the ability to export energy. As well as Uranus and Lithium to Europe.

Since Ukraine in this struggle appears on the side of the event, then, Ivan Us states, we saw the breakdown of diplomatic relations between Kiev and Mali. "I would like to remind it that in 2016 the former deputy chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, Professor Alexander Sharov wrote an analytical article called" African vector of European integration of Ukraine. " In the EU.

It is noteworthy that it was at the time when the relations with the countries of the region Sahal flared a diplomatic fire, the Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba just went in the fourth in the last two years African tour, planning a visit to Tropical Africa Malawi and Zambia, as well as the country. According to the Foreign Ministry, Mr. Kuleba's main goal is to discuss "the participation of African states in global efforts to restore just peace for Ukraine.

" The loyalty of these countries Foreign Minister during his African tour, which will last until August 8 inclusive, intends to seek, setting the emphasis on what is most interested in each of them. In particular, in Malava, a diplomat decided to emphasize agricultural cooperation. In Zambia, which in the West is considered the showcase of African democracy, Dmitry Kuleb was going to focus on the development of political dialogue.