
Pull a lot or board. Why "reserve+" will not protect against stories and whether it is easy to get reservation from service in the army

The conscripts in Ukraine are obliged to receive a new military ticket with the QR code in order not to receive a fine. Employees of strategically important enterprises have to take into account the nuances of digitalization: reservation certificates have long agreed in ministries. Focus spoke with lawyers, authorities and business representatives to find out the details of "electronic mobilization".

Updating military accounting data in the Reserve+application is not a reason to refuse the CCC staff from the delivery of stories on the streets. According to official requirements, registering in the service, men only comply with the law on strengthening of mobilization in Ukraine, which came into force on May 18, 2024, spokesman Dmitry Lazutkin said. Primary registration in "Reserve+" means that the military will not receive a fine of 17,000 to 25 500 UAH.

It is then sent for the passage of the Military Medical Commission (VLK). If those who have updated personal data to the Reserve+will be stopped on the street by police or military committee, they will see that the person is registered in the Unified Register of conscripts, mobilized and servicemen. The referral to the VLK will also be displayed, and in the future, the CCC employees will see how many summons the man received and how much he ignored.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Defense, about 15% of the conscripts have already updated the credentials. 1. 4 million people used the reserve+reserve+service, another 200,000 came to the shopping center and CNAPs. The registration of the E-Kabinet in the "Reserve+" application is not considered an update of data. This process is called the actualization of information: a person reports current location, says the lawyer of the law company Riyako & Partners Kateryna Anishchenko.

The result of a complete updating of the data, according to the lawyer, is to receive a military ticket of the sample 2024 with the QR code. You can do this after passing the medical commission. "To believe that downloading the application is free from the campaign in the shopping center. It does not work, since July 18, the employees of the shopping center, the police and border guards will demand a new military document," Anishchenko emphasizes.

According to the lawyer in the field of military law, Yevgeny Zuranzhi, registration of conscripts in the database "Reserve+" - nothing more than updating the electronic register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists "Ovary". It was formally launched in March 2022, but without a full base. "The military enlistment offices will see how many people have been updated. The summons will be directed more precisely.

You can see that" reserve+"sometimes disconnects and asks to renovate the data - to clarify the person's location as of today," the expert explains. Authorization in the appendix is ​​carried out through Bankid. The function is supported by the following banks: Zuranzhi makes calculations: almost one and a half million people have registered in the reserve+reserve+. If you need to enter the army of 100 thousand conscripts per month, then you can fight for another 15 months.

Representatives of the authorities claim that employers are obliged to comply with all legislative procedures for booking employees. Then the military committees have no right to mobilize such a person, because it violates the rules of legislation.

Mobilization can take place if a person is to be reservated, but by the time of calling the military enlistment office, it has not been completely rescue, explains the focus of the People's Deputy from the "servant of the people", a member of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Fedor Venislavsky. "There are risks of mobilization in such cases, this issue is under control and with the Cabinet of Ministers. politician.

There are often cases where the summons are uncontrollably received by employees of critical enterprises who have reservation from conscription. These organizations can officially book up to half of the teams, and some more. In practice, not everything is so smooth. Often, the delay in armor design is explained by the absence or weak coordination of actions between institutions. As a rule, after receiving the summons, it is necessary to give the BCC evidence of armor.

A person may be asked to undergo VLK, and this is not contrary to the law. Lawyer Kateryna Anishchenko points out that the reservation is confirmed by an excerpt from the Ministry of Social Policy, agreed with the Ministry of Defense, which confirms the work of a citizen of Ukraine on a strategically important enterprise for the country. This procedure entails a long and grueling paper red tape, which is why businesses cannot work at full force.

In the presence of this certificate, he goes to the military enlistment office to receive a military ticket, but with the exception - he has no right to mobilize. Medium business representatives complain about the actual lack of booking mechanisms. It is quite simple to "break" any enterprise-it is enough to distribute the summons to key specialists, and the company will have to close, says focus Sergey M. , the head of a logistics company in Kharkiv.

"We have to book in black, it requires connections and money. For a certain remuneration in the shopping center will not handle the summons to your employees. The dachshund is valid for a certain period, in our case - up to 3 months. Now count: for each driver we give from $ 1500 , in total, up to 50 people.

After two months from the beginning of the law on strengthening of mobilization, when law enforcement officers will be able to penalize for non -recovery of personal data, the price of the reservation will increase, the interlocutor adds. It is also difficult for employees to be important for the country of state -owned enterprises. "We had armor, went to the shopping center, and there for each combat summons prepared at the exit.

It is likely that those who went to the shopping center" Refresh "are not waiting for the armor," - describes the situation in conversation with focus. strategic enterprise in Kiev. There are often situations where you can book either shops or office staff. The company gets into the position of "choice without choice": departure to the Armed Forces of people with hands or financiers with IT professional will destroy the production chain, he adds.

There are also nuances with booking police and rescuers. On June 5, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution that allows to book from service in the army of employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES) and the National Police, but not more than half of the state. According to Yevgeny Zuranzhi, the superiors force ordinary police officers to pull the lot on the reservation. The combat units at the front are completed by police and this is not uncommon, says the lawyer.

The lawyer notes that in Ukraine to protect his rights, in particular to booking, it is possible through court. The only question is the time of considering the claim. "All this time, the violation will act. Appeal the results of the VLK and the actions of the Tax Code take a long time," he summarized. Focus has previously wrote that drone manufacturers have difficulty booking staff from mobilization. CCC staff send them to medical commission and mobilize.