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Today I want to talk again that all this time is left out of the public's attent...

War Resources: As Russia is looking for mercenaries around the world

Today I want to talk again that all this time is left out of the public's attention: the resources of war. War resources are very important, because the country prepared for the war, whether all resources have been involved in order to win or withstand the attack, it depends on everything, loss, victory, assistance, and diplomatic support. There are many resources of war: every country in the war uses its resources or agrees on additional partner countries.

A striking example is the receipt of additional resources by the Soviet Union from partner countries during World War II, the well-known Land League, without which the victory over fascism would be impossible. The occupying country not only involves its resources, but also takes away the ones that can be captured. A striking example is the mobilization of the male population of ORDLO, the use of ORDLO enterprises and the residents of ORDLO residents.

Now the food crisis is raging in Russia in the air. This year is difficult for Ukraine, because many agricultural enterprises are lost, and the weather is not indulged in somehow, so they predict a low yield of almost all cereals. Russia has already declared a state of emergency due to drought and flooding. As the countries of food security decide, it depends on how long Russia will be able to terrorize us, and we, Ukraine, will defend ourselves.

At this time, Russia is actively exporting grain from the occupied territories. This is, again, an example of how the occupying country involves our resources against ourselves. That is, our territories occupying our territories, Russia takes our resources for its needs and nourishes its economy. In general, for Russians and pro -Russian residents, it is quite normal to take it from an "enemy", that is, us, resources for our needs.

What is the "business" worth obtaining social payments for the long -dead ORDLO residents, which is called "robbering Ukraine". That is, they understand that the economy and economic resources are, receiving fraudulent ways of various social payments on dead people or receiving social payments under the brand "IDP", the residents of Ordlo were consciously going to it, because they did not only improve their material status, but also They harm our resources, that is, the economy.

As you can see, the topic of war resources is very expanded and you can talk about it for hours. Because, the Russians enjoy themselves that their human resource is much more than ours, so these "meat storms" are normal for them, because the loss of 20,000 people on a monthly basis - it is just nothing for Russia. But even more so. Russia is still afraid to declare large-scale, overall mobilization, so they went by recruitment, military-social advertising and recruitment.

Social advertising in Russia "Everything in Fascism" gave good results, many volunteers. Not like 2014-2015, but in the end, they close the question in the replenished army. Then the company of Prigogine "Wagner" worked well. The "private" military company closed a frantic hole in the need to replenish the human resource, because the "Wagner" went both volunteers and "Wagner" recruited people in prisons.

This military machine has intensified many Russians who dreamed of lawlessness, weapons and looting. As we know, the "Wagners" participate not only in the Russian-Ukrainian war, but also control many countries in Africa, Cuba, help Russia to keep tension in Syria and to break terrorist attacks around the world. Currently, Russia has already been openly recruiting men around the world, and this is very interesting.

Replenishing military resources, Russia is mobilizing, and more and more external resources (recruiting soldiers in other countries). This indicates the Kremlin's reluctance to engage internal resources, and to pull people to war by the method of general mobilization, the catch of men, as they did in the ORDLO, known "Operation of the Busik".

Why, all you have to do is guess, but I still think it is due to the growth of crime because of a large number of people who have returned from the front, the spread of weapons and "Russian national fun to kill", well, of course, that Russian society is pumped chauvinism and anti -Semitism. International wars in Russia are already in the air, and this is a normal reaction to the decade of propaganda against the Eastern peoples to the "Caucasian National".

Not just in Russia introduced the term "polynational" Russian. This is to reduce the degree of hatred of gastarbiters in Eastern or Muslim clothes. General mobilization in Russia can cause resonance in society, because the same Chechens will go to fight only in the ranks of their brigades of fighters, they will not obey the orders of Russian commanders.

This is clear, because in these 2 years the number of rapes of Russian men's rapes has increased, so the "household" conflicts between "multi -purpose" Russian in the army and at the front are scale. It is because of uncertainty about its citizens that Russia is forced to turn to external resources, that is, to recruit men in the world. This is partially. Back in 2014-2018, African American, Serbs, Italians were in the ORDLO army.

Currently, the need for the replenished army of Russia is critical, so Russia has gone again with a "stretched hand", and stupid money is again lazy to shave, poverty that can not be able to kill and plunder. As once, Russia has become a "ark" for the wicked from all over the world that lives to get rich at someone else's expense. Now Russia recruits Cubans to the war with Ukraine. It is a maintenance resource that has been set for such purposes since the USSR.

The Soviet Union skillfully "laid out eggs" of the left -hand community, occupied small countries, destroyed, brought to impoverishment, then to offer "crazy money" for the war. One of the occupied countries that the Soviet Union planned to use in the event of war and attack on other countries is Cuba. Once a beautiful, developed, rich country that has become during the shadow management of the Communists, a poor and hungry country.

Friendship with Russia is continuing, that is, the occupation continues. It is the only country with which in Russia a permanent airline, for example, in the first half of 2023, more than 66 thousand Russian tourists rested, mostly, these are officers of the Russian army with families.

The Russians are judged for debts, they take apartments, in Russia flourish in garbage cans, homeless and non-track children, but Russia forgives Cuba previously taken loans: the Kremlin wrote off 32 billion dollars in 2014, and in 2015 he borrowed almost 1, almost 1. $ 5 billion. As with the USSR, the Cuba depends on the supply of Russian goods and the sale of its goods to Russia, because since the 1960s he lives under US sanctions.

After friendship with the USSR and the participation of Cuba in the financing of the USSR military campaign in Afghanistan, the United States considers Cuba a sponsor of terrorism. This would still be recognized by Russia as a terrorist, it would be good at all. But let us return to the famous Cuban cigars that the Soviet elite loved so much.

The Communist rule in the Cuba under the patronage of the USSR has led to the complete destruction of the economy of Cuba, a shortage of all groups of goods, including products, since 1962, a card system has been operating in the Cuba, products are issued according to the uniform norms for the country, and a number of goods are sold only in the black market. Here are these news on a single marathon, especially for ORDLO residents.

The Soviet Union and Russia have proven Cuba to be called one of Latin America's poorest countries. This is how the war resource is created, people from the poor country are ready to die for money and food. On the side of Russia against Ukraine are fighting whole international battalions, where people do not speak Russian at all. It is an external resource that Russia has used in this war.

This should be particularly explored, because this factor has been prepared since the USSR, and has been prepared as a factor in the use of human resource in the third world, that is, attack on Europe and the USA terrorists from Serbia, Cuba and other countries under the shadow patronage of Russia, not Just so Wagner took control of almost all countries in Africa.

A Spanish translator working with the Cuban diaspora confirmed for one Moscow edition that "Cuban men, recruited Ministry of Defense, are many, especially young guys who go here for money directly from Cuba. These are not local cubes, they do not stop in Moscow , immediately sign the contract and go to fight, - then they disappear. Cuban men for war in Ukraine are recruited mainly in groups on social networks.

In the Cubanos en moscú (Cubanos en moscü "group, most ads to go to war were placed by some Russian Olena Shuvalova. In her posts, she invites Cuba citizens to conclude a contract for 1 year with the army of the Russian Federation and promises a salary of 204 thousand rubles, as well as the Russian passport by the contractor and his family in 6 months.

Shuvalova explains in the announcement that the contract will be signed even with those who have an overdue Cuban passport or there is no at all - at least photos of a passport and immigration letter. " Occupied Ukrainian territories, the same ORDLO. The tempo. Two members of the band Cubanos En Moskü posted photos in Russian military uniform. One of them noted in the post that Shuvalov was recruited into the army. "Daily payments, without a commission, are dealt with by the company," he writes.

In his ads, Shuvalov assures that all the cubes who have signed the contract have already received salaries and notes that her goal to help them provide their families. SHAVALOVA Setting Advertisements writes both VKontakte and in Groups for Foreigners in Russia, "the investigator said. Many Cubans and Serbs have recently used this resource. Policy and "your own", but also have the desire to stay in Russia or ORDLO.

In Russia, but also on social networks Cuba, Serbia, Armenia and Kazakhstan appeared an online release with a proposal to enter into a contract service in the Russian army. The most active recruitment was carried out in the Kostanay region in the north of Kazakhstan, where a large number of ethnic Russians live, intelligence reports. Well, the enemy involves all the available resources of war.

People who live exclusively by TV and propaganda, the poor population of impoverished countries, which sees in the war only the benefits to solve personal problems. For Russia, such a solution to the replenishment of the army is very good. The settlement of ORDLO "multi -purpose" "Russian" continues. Serbs, Cubans and Africans are added to the storms, Yakuts, Dagestans, Ossetians and Chechens. Therefore, fertility increases in the ORDL.

ORDLO inhabitants have some strange idolatry in front of foreigners or "multinational Russian", and there they still scream "our brother" on everything that has a Russian military uniform. And we need to think about this issue, and maybe begin to bring this fact to the world: Russia is a terrorist and sponsor of terrorism that recruits terrorists around the world and in terrorist attacks and war in Ukraine. Source.