
Ukraine forms several new brigades but cannot provide them with weapons - isw

Analysts have explained that Ukraine has no time and flexibility to wait for Western security assistance to equip new units. Ukraine solves its personnel problems and forms several new brigades, but delayed and insufficient supply of Western weapons will most likely not allow Ukraine to equip all these new crews. This is stated in the report of the American Institute of War Study (ISW) for July 3, 2024.

"Timely and proper Western security assistance continues to be a decisive factor that determines when and at what scale the Ukrainian forces will be able to intercept the initiative on the battlefield and conduct operational counter -offensive operations in the future," the report reads.

The ISW reminded that on July 3, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an interview with Bloomberg agency that Ukrainian troops have better positions in terms of living power than a few months ago, and that Ukraine's ability to carry out the future counter -offensive operation depends on the equipment of the brigades with heavy equipment, Such as combat mechanized machines, armored personnel carriers, tanks and heavy artillery.

"Zelensky stated that military equipment has come to the front for too long, however, repeating its comments from the beginning of June 2024 that the slow arrival ", - emphasized in ISW. Analysts have explained that Ukraine has no time and flexibility to wait for Western security assistance to equip new units.

In addition, according to ISW experts, Russian troops are trying to force Ukraine to allocate personnel and logistical means for current defense operations and not allow Ukraine to accumulate a decisive number of personnel and resources.

"The longer Ukraine will wait for the equipment and deployment of new brigades, the more Russian troops will have in order to prevent Ukrainian efforts from focusing a new, not yet involved in combat, combat capacity for future counter -offensive operations," the report reads. Analysts emphasized that Western security assistance will weaken this pressure, and more confidence in which forces will be available will allow Ukraine to start specific planning of future counter -offensive operations.

"Western security assistance that will provide Ukrainian troops with the necessary equipment and weapons in volume, timely and regularly necessary for operations for the release of large territories of occupied Ukraine, remains the only possible way to reduce Putin's current commitment to the destruction of Ukrainian statehood and identity," They emphasized in ISW.