
Russian trace also strikes of Poles: why in Ukraine is rapidly expensive Avtogaz

For a month - from mid -October to mid -November - Avtogaz went up by 8 UAH. Now its value is the highest since the beginning of the year. The focus understood why this happens and when the growth stops. The price of auto gas, like other fuels, gradually grew since July - then the government returned pre -war taxes. That is, VAT increased from 7% to 20% to all types of fuel, excise duty on gasoline - from 100 euros to 213. 5 euros per 1,000 liters, and for diesel - from 100 euros to 139.

5 euros per 1,000 liters. Gradually, the gas station also went up. In 3. 5 months - from July to mid -October - he added about 4 UAH per liter. However, from mid -October, the price for this fuel went up sharply - from UAH 26. 12 as of October 18 to UAH 34. 4 for November 16. Ascending dynamics continues. According to the focus, the rise in price is explained by two non -market factors that are already pushing the gas stations to close their gas columns.

Despite the war and calls of Kyiv to the international community to stop trade relations with the Russian Federation, Ukraine continued to buy a Russian autogas. "The Ukrainian auto -gas market, despite a year and a half, was dependent on the supply of Russian resource. It was not carried directly. We received liquefied gas production of Russian plants from Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. On the southern direction, analytics are lacking.

So gas was supplied to storage to Poland, or to the Baltic States. There either mixed or simply transfused into a motorway and got to Ukraine, " - said Focus Analyst of UPECO consulting company Alexander Sirenko. Deliveries from the aggressor country were considerable, says the expert-in the peak periods of 20 thousand tons came, that is, every 5th liter was Russian. "From the suppliers of this gas did not require enough documents that surprised me," Sirenko continues.

"However, on October 17, a new list of requirements for clearing petroleum products began to work. There was a requirement to show a complete supply chain from the manufacturer. Russia gas, unable to clear it, lacked documents. " Therefore, the volume of supplies of the motorway to the fuel market of Ukraine decreased - the share of the Russian resource has disappeared. Those who traded it - importers or those who bought the resource in the domestic market - began to look for an alternative.

However, during this time the price began to grow. "We received the first jump at the auction in the second half of October, when the price in the domestic market increased from 43 thousand UAH per tonne to 48 thousand UAH per tonne. Such a jump per day - two - is significantly for a relatively quiet market," - said UPECO consulting company analyst. On October 17, new rules for customs clearance of auto gas have been in force.

Importers were obliged to show the entire supply chain, ranging from the manufacturer in the end, the alternative to the Russian motorway was found, but the question was with delivery. The only opportunity is to use the infrastructure of neighbors - Romania, Moldova, Poland. On October 27, the International Transport Association of Ukraine (MTAU) reported that Polish car carriers plan to block joint border crossings with Ukraine for commercial vehicles since November 3.

Among the stated requirements - the return of the permits for Ukrainian carriers, the creation of a separate queue in the Echerg service for cars with EU numbers and others. The news has pushed prices for auto gas up. "Our importers found resources, even from Britain, they were carrying gas, with a full package Raise, " - said Sirenko.

Ukraine received a Russian autogas not directly, but from Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, for Ukrainian gas stations, the average gas price for gas from October 27 to November 2 increased from 27. 62 UAH/l to 29. 31 UAH/l. And although the date that was announced did not begin, the price in Ukraine still moved up and on November 6 on the ceiling could see the figure of 31 UAH per liter. "60-70% of liquefied gas is supplied by vehicles - gas trucks - unlike other types of fuel. , gradually missed.

Reducing the omission of gas pipelines-by 30% of everything. Secondly, you can go around-some went to the Romanian border. That is, in fact a lot of "horror stories" on the market that accelerate the price, "-convinced Sirenko. According to him, the price of the auction has already crossed the mark 63 thousand UAH per tonne, ie 33. 4 UAH per liter - wholesale price. The retail price is 33. 8 UAH/l, Sirenko says, is not market. "So the market does not work. The minimum of 1. 5 UAH should be added to zero.

Because there is delivery, logistics, expenses. That is to buy for 33. 4 UAH/l and sell for 33. 8 UAH/l - loss. Obviously, obviously, The gas stations have some pre -purchased resource, "he commented. The reason that now accelerates the prices of auto gas in Ukraine is the very strike of Polish carriers and the increase in the cost of logistics. "Gas carriers are more than two weeks, and the complications of logistics directly affect the final price of a motorway," says Energy Expert Leonid Kosyanchuk.

When the blockade is removed, it is unknown. After all, to satisfy their requirements, in particular, the abolition of transport visa waiver - an agreement on liberalization of freight transportation between the EU and Ukraine - is not possible that the Polish government also reported. According to Leonid Kosyanchuk, if our government is not able to negotiate with the strikers, it is worth expecting that the fuel will add about 2 UAH in the near future.

However, the dynamics can be preserved until the end of the year. "Auctions last week: the maximum was 62 thousand UAH per tonne, today - 63 thousand UAH. I think, in high prices, we will simply and in December," - suggests Alexander Sirenko's consulting company UPECO. However, there is another factor that operates on the market and it can lower the price. "Liquefied gas should be cheaper than gasoline - twice.

Gasoline we have an average of 55 UAH per liter, the most expensive gas should cost 28 UAH per liter, and he - 33 UAH. Therefore, the driver will buy gasoline - he is now more profitable to ride gasoline because it is less consumed. Therefore, the consumption of the motorway will decrease, demand will decrease and the price will roll off, " - says Sirenko.

At current prices for gasoline and car, drivers are more profitable to refuel with gasoline "liquefied gas today as an alternative fuel has lost its economic attractiveness because it exceeds 60% of the cost of gasoline - due to the weather and the difference in the engine consumption of the same power. You can switch the engine to gasoline consumption, "Kosyanchuk said. What can you say about agrarians.

"In such weather it is necessary to dry the grain, and the grain dryers consume liquefied gas," - said Leonid Kosyanchuk. He also added that some gas stations that do not have their own imports cover gas columns or switch to selling coupons and in a non -cash account on prepaid exchanges. At the same time, a shortage of diesel fuel should be expected.