
Hi, Star Wars. Similar to the planet's tatuine are more suitable for living than it was thought

Researchers suggest that inhabited planets in double star systems may be more common than previously thought. In the Film Francis "Congress Wars", the main character Luke Skywaller is originally from a fictional planet called Tatuin, where two suns can be seen in the sky.

But can the planet be suitable for double star systems in the real universe? The authors of the study published in The Astronomical Journal, believe that such star systems can have planets with temperate climates, and they are potentially suitable for life, writes Earthsky. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! The fictional planet Tatuin is located in a system with two stars.

Therefore, sometimes planets, which are located in the fairly common double star systems in the universe, are called exoplanets of tattoo. During the study, scientists studied 40 double star systems, in which the planets rotate around one of the stars, and the other star, in turn, rotates around this star and its entire planet system.

All studied double star systems have at least one planet and scientists have found that these systems demonstrate a high degree of consistency in their orbital movement. According to scientists, it turned out that the planets rotate exactly in the same direction in which the first star rotates, and the second star rotates around this system in the same plane as the planet. The authors of the study consider it the ideal alignment.

Of course, it was not found in all star systems, but in six of them such consistency is present. According to scientists, they found that two stars, which are relatively near each other, affect the formation of planets from the protoplanetary disk and, therefore, the system is orderly, not chaotic. The authors of the study believe that the planets that are in an orderly system with two stars are likely to have a more moderate and stable climate than in other chaotic systems.

And this is a great sign that such planets can be suitable for life. Scientists explain that in systems where two stars have not such a leveled orbital movement and stars are otherwise, the planets are too large. Even if there are inhabited planets in such systems, they will not be quite like earth, scientists say. During one season on the Tatuin planets, half of this world will be illuminated by the light of one star and the other star will illuminate the other side.

You might think that the simultaneous lighting of the planet with two stars can lead to an increase in global temperature, but this is not the case. The fact is that one of the stars is located further than the other, so its light and warmth will be weaker. During other seasons on such planets, both stars will cover only one side of this world. But because of the difference in distance, one of the stars will look much larger and brighter than the other.

In fact, this is shown in the films "Star Wars", where two suns are visible in the sky in the sky. Scientists believe that there are many such planets in our galaxy, but whether these worlds are inhabited, still need to be found out. As focus has already wrote, astronomers found a reason why planets of gas giants are not formed near the dwarf stars. And this reason lies in the negative impact of the large malicious neighbors of small stars.