
Life term - two days: as the command of the Russian Federation confessed, their battle groups do not live long

The life of Russian assault groups is two days. The military analyst Konstantin Mashovets did not invent it himself-he took from the book published by the command of the Airborne troops of the Russian Federation. I here is one of my friends "got" an interesting read. It is called "Boevloe of the assault company (groups) in the sides.

That is, it is the most recent generalized and formalized view of the commanding command of the Pedig "for the use of assault units in the form of hostilities, for which they, in fact, were created and in which, at this time, well, they are very actively" sought " - attacking and assault actions. Of course, I will not tell the whole Pedogiv Handbook "For Services" (27 pages) with numerous schemes, tables and layouts. But at the most interesting common moments I will stop.

After all, at this point it is extremely relevant to us. In fact, this description is such "persistent recommendations" by the command of the Airborne Troops (VAT) of the Russian Federation, which are formulated on the basis of "experience of their" to their subordinate commanders of VAT tactical link (groups) ". Initially, a little about how Russian landing command, in fact, imagines a typical assault unit, its main tasks and structure.

So, let's start for the reasons for the emergence of these consolidated tactical units in the Russian army and for what they are intended.

According to Russian landing commanders, the main factors of modern battle in the process of "your", which led to the allocation and formation of specialized assault units (mouth) on the basis of staff, "linear" units, as well as through "Analysis and Valse, Distributed APU", It is: the main purpose of the assault units of the company in the understanding of the Russian "troops" is: usually, the assault company (group) is formed (erected) on the basis of some larger unit of the battalion level, but it happens that it is formed on the basis of the regiment - the brigade.

I will make my own remark here. From what I know, Russian assault mouths are formed in a supply number of cases, it is on the basis of brigades and regiments, not battalions. One simple reason: in their battalions, let's say, a very significant "turnover of frames". Therefore, only the commander of the regiment (brigade) can do it. This guide is quite clearly outlined by the conditions for the use of consolidated tactical units of the "assault".

It should act "very desirable" as part of the "assault assembly" (this is essentially a battalion), accordingly, to control and "direct" the actions of the assault company should be the Russian Combat, and "under the general guidance of" commander of the Polka-Brigade. That is, any hints at the decentralization of combat management in the tactical link and giving at least the ghostly right to the independence of such a company are rejected.

But at the same time, after a few sections, this guide directly requires the commander of the assault company - the formation of the plan for battle, drawing up and registration of a documentary (?? !!!) plan for battle, and most importantly - making an independent decision to fight. As in the authors of the authors of this description, one is consistent with the other, apparently, only they know. We go on.

Active "rush" in the attacking \ assault actions of this kind of unit, according to the authors of the manual, is possible only within two days (so write - "Bowl provocity Context means that 2 days after the entry of a "assault company" in battle, it ceases to be suitable for participation in hostilities (in other words, the authors "do not seal" at the account of speed and rate of loss of such units of their capacity due "In attacks and storms).

That is, even if you reject all cynicism and a "stiff" contempt for their soldiers by the Russian command, it turns out that in its calculations the normative term of use of a full "assault assault" to its complete stumping due to expected and settlement losses is only two days. Honestly, when I read to this interesting "moment" . . . I was a little bit ", but not very much. Because I immediately mentioned that it was a Russian army and its "glorious traditions.