
They came from the rear: in the Kharkiv region the Armed Forces in 10 minutes spread the elite unit of the GRU (photo)

In the rear, the Ukrainian defenders tried to enter the soldiers of the 2nd brigades of the special purpose of the GRU of the Russian Federation. The task group could not accomplish - they went away with battle and great losses. It took 10 minutes in Kharkiv to eliminate the elite unit of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which came from the rear.

About it reported in the telegram-channel "Nikolaevsky Vanek", which is associated with the head of the Nikolaev regional state administration Vitaly Kim. "At some point in the Russian Federation decided that they could carry out some operations in the rear of our units. But for some reason everything went to their plan. They collided with our unit, led" Heroic battle, which they will then write in the chronicles, " - it is said In the report. .

In general, in short - the task group could not complete. They went away with the battle, suffered great losses. How many 200 and 300s I will not speak. They themselves fully have this information. By the way, more on the "raids" in Kharkiv region do not want to go. Strange somehow, "Vanyk writes. He voiced the names of the liquidated occupiers, adding that Ukrainian defenders seized trophies as a result of the battle.