
The head of the Supreme Court of Russia Vyacheslav Lebedev died: What is known about him

The chairman of the Supreme Court of Russia died at the age of 80 and is called long -term illness. Several Russian publications in the morning of Sunday, February 24, said that the chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev died. The TASS agency, referring to the press service of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, reported that Lebedev, who has been headed by the court since 1991, died at the age of 81 as a result of illness.

At the same time, Telegram-channel 112 reported that Lebedev was in hospital in the last days. The province of "Province. ru" reports, referring to its sources that the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation had problems with the heart and he had an oncological disease. According to this Russian publication, Lebedev's condition worsened sharply in the evening, Saturday, February 23, and at 23:45 he died in Moscow.

Vyacheslav Lebedev became the chairman of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR in 1989, and for 2 years he headed the Supreme Court of Independent Russia. Vyacheslav Lebedev began to work as a judge in 1970 in the Leningrad District People's Court of Moscow. From 1986 to 1989 Lebedev was the chairman of the Moscow City Court. During this period, the judge participated in the criminal sentences in criminal cases on the implementation of "anti -Soviet" activity. Lebedev had a degree in Doctor of Law.

According to Kommersant, Lebedev created a modern judicial system of Russia and advocated the decriminalization of crimes of slight gravity, and also opposed the replacement of the convicted persons for corruption of real prison terms by penalties. We remind that in December last December in Russia, the court planted for 18 years for lattice of the military.