
They sold an apartment in Moscow: Larisa Valley, who supported Putin, accused Ukrainians of fraud

It should be noted that Larisa Dolina was born in Odessa, but from the first days of a full -scale war in Ukraine supported Vladimir Putin's policy. 68-year-old Russian singer Larisa Dolina said Ukrainian fraudsters illegally sold her apartment in Moscow. Such information is reported by the Russian media. In particular, it is said that five people came to the artist's apartment in the apartment and stated that they were new owners.

The guards reported the police about trying to illegally penetrate into the elite LCD and blocked all exits. The "new owners" were detained on the spot. According to the Russian media, the area of ​​a five -room apartment in the hamovnika is 236 squares, its approximate cost - 150 million rubles. Larisa Dolina herself reported that the police had opened a criminal case because of the situation with her apartment, as well as that Ukrainian fraudsters were mixed in the case.

The artist stressed that he was going in the case as a victim. "I was a victim of fraudsters. I have been committed by a planned fraudulent action. I was a criminal case, I was recognized as a victim. My apartment was arrested. Pre -investigation found that fraudsters are in Ukraine and just posted on a network of a terrible appeal from me, In which there is no word of truth, "-said the singer reading from a letter of paper in her telegram channel.

Instead, the singer did not provide any confirmation of fake video information. However, the Russian media reported that the singer's page on Instagram was broken, where posts were placed in the flags of Ukraine. This information is currently absent on its official page. According to the Russian media, the allegedly illegal agreement on the sale of the apartment of the Valley in Khamovniki took place on June 24, and as early as August 3, the court seized the property.