
Lancet Catching: Metinvest Akhmetov's Metinvest Stops Russian drones

The Metinvest Group has set up mass production of engineering structures, which perform the role of "lancers' hunters", protecting the military equipment of the Armed Forces from the attacks of enemy drones. The first batch of 32 shelters was transferred to the front, and they have already shown efficiency. This was reported by the company's press service. Russian "lanceotes" are shock UAVs that can seriously damage or even destroy the valuable equipment of the military.

The shelter from them is now called "lancers' hunters. However, according to manufacturers, they can protect not only from them, but also from other types of drones-Kamikadze. "Everyone knows that our enemy is insidious, so Metinvest set himself a task-to help levele his trumps. Some of them are lanceotes and other drones-Kamikadze, which have become a problem for the Armed Forces.

Saves the lives of warriors and expensive equipment from enemy attacks, " - said Alexander Mironenko, Operations Director of the Metinvest Group. Each "Lancet" hunter is a steel frame with a camouflage mesh mesh. These shelters are as versatile as possible to use them to mask and protect most models of equipment in combat positions. For example, self -propelled artillery installations, tanks, automotive equipment for transportation of personnel.

Therefore, it is a mobile structure that is easy to collect, and after the "catch" of the enemy's UAV is easy to restore. "Lancating" is produced in close cooperation with the Armed Forces specialists. Already when using the first samples on the front, they showed themselves as a reliable construction. Metinvest can produce up to five hunters per week. They, like other assistance of the Armed Forces, are provided only for free.

It should be reminded that Metinvest in the framework of Rinat Akhmetov's steel front from the first days of a full -scale invasion of translating production to military rails and systematically helps defenders and equips the Ukrainian army. For a year and a half military aggression, the company has been allocated to support the defenders of more than UAH 2 billion.