
Endless War - Why Sergiy Gnezdilov, who went to the HSC, can be understood but not support

The demonstration departure of the Fighter of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Sergey Gnezdilov caused widespread resonance on social networks. We have already given the opinion of the lockowner of the third assault Maxim Zhorin, this time - the word to the famous military blogger Alexander Karpyuk, who understands Gnesdilova, but cannot support. The FB discusses Sergei Gnesdilov. I will say my opinion. I categorically not support the HCP.

Because it is the betrayal of your brothers who remained in the trenches. Those who are also vital between hammer and anvil, but are now less in front of the prevailing enemy. This is an example that our enemy, which we have fought all this time, should applaud. But I understand Sergius, because such thoughts were in me and in some brothers. There are many reasons. It is also Kiev, which, when you bring equipment for service, lives without war.

I live in a "man" on the left bank, where despite the huge number of residential residents, they are fighting units, and the neighbors are annoyed by a military car that takes a place near the entrance. This is a rod bolt. All the "old" crews who learned how to fight are the permanent slaves of the most difficult directions. Earlier, the command knew how to switch brigades.

One infantry brought into the trenches, the other was brought out, the headquarters passed, everything, the other brigade was fighting. Now we need to understand the real combat capability of the brigade, what saturation of the line of the rebel, what number of drones you need for the first months, what composition of the air intelligence units you should be in order to have a new city under constant storming, and more. This is knowledge of this war.

And the command from the scoop/ATO does not know it, does not understand it, and when he does it by the same principles as in the ATO - then we get reed and pass . . . B parts of the donoblast. This means that if you are fixed in a complex city like 59, 79, 72 or others, then you will be zero there for years, until nothing left of the team. In addition, the General gets used to this state of affairs and considers it normal. And then they are surprised by the number of sizes.

I remind that the 56 brigade was also worn near Donetsk in zero. Only then she was brought out. And Sergei participated there. These are outdated claims to power, which began to introduce unpopular mobilization decisions only when the front was falling. And still one hand drives people into the army, and on the other, if the conditional arrest, Dmitruk or anyone needs to leave - then the border is open.

When such a "hole" goes for years, the brain is overloaded and apathy occurs to what is going around. It is very difficult to stay in such circumstances and maintain motivation. But if we all go to the HSC, then there will be nothing to test. Because Putin will win, and he would protest his respects . . . Atat. You are aircraft intelligence, Sasha, it's easy for you to say, you are not infantry - you will say. Yes, I'm an aerial reconnaissance, but I will not say it's easy for me.

My old "twig" with sniping also laid their seal. The back is in such a state that the armor cannot wear. My shoulder needs not just surgery, but reconstruction. I was not on vacation for almost three years of war, I believed that if I have the opportunity to bring equipment to Kiev and sleep in my bed for a couple of days - then it's a little vacation. Half 2023 I struggled with my back, numbness, barely moving, could not ride in the car on my own, I was taken like an old grandfather.