
The paralyzed fighter of the Armed Forces of Jewish origin opened a school year at school in Odessa (photo)

Viktor Kovchak, a former Armed Forces serviceman who was seriously injured in the front line, visited the opening of a school in Odessa on crutches. Soldiers of Ukrainian and Israeli armies, who were injured in Ukraine and the Gaza sector, opened the school year at the Odessa school. About it writes The Jerusalem Post with reference to the press release of the school network OR AVner - Chabad.

Two soldiers of Jewish descent, who were seriously injured in the battles, visited a ceremony at the Jewish School of Odessa at the beginning of the school year. Viktor Kovchak is a Ukrainian soldier of Jewish descent who was injured in the forefront. He visited the ceremony on crutches, he was assisted by Abraham Wolf - the chief rabbi of the southern part of Ukraine, journalists said. The former military paralyzed feet from the belt.

During the ceremony, he read the 20th Psalm from the Book of Psalms. "Victor, whose legs still remained completely paralyzed after wonderful rescue, took a microphone and slowly and clearly read the 20th psalm, praying for the healing of all the wounded and for a new, healthy and peaceful year," the press release. Kovchak is a graduate of the Odessa Jewish school, which recently celebrated its 25th anniversary.