
Not all the global south - for Hamas. As the war shared the world that develops

In general, the "global south" is against the West, writes Columnist The Wall Street Journal Sadanand Duume. But with respect to Hamas and other such groups, there are different opinions, and this is certainly worth using. While the War of Israel against Hamas is ongoing, some experts have begun to be indignant about the danger of alienation of the so -called "global south" for the USA (an extended period for low -income countries per capita, less politely called "third world").

Theoretically, the alienation of the block of countries that account for most of the world's population will harm the American interests. But although many developing countries are a tendency to resist Israel, they are hardly a monolith. The devastating victory of Israel over Hamas will benefit not only the West but also to the world, including many countries that regularly criticize the Jewish state. Some experts do not seem to understand this.

Journalist Howard French argues that "emotional and hardly detailed support of Israel Biden" can be a "expensive mistake. " According to Murtase of Hussain with Intercept, "in the global south," Israeli-Palestinian conflict "is clearly considered as a ruthless anti-colonial war, similar to those in which many of them participated.

" In his lecture last month, American political scientist John Mirshimer said the United States had faced "serious problems" because of support of Israel's actions in the Gaza Sector. At first glance, this thought is justified. Over the last month, anti -Israeli protesters have filled the streets of Pakistan and Indonesia, as well as other developing countries.

Last month, the leaders of Egypt, Jordan and Palestinian autonomy canceled the meeting with President Biden because of the commentary of false statements that Israel had a hospital in the Gaza Sector. Bolivia has broken diplomatic relations with Israel, and Columbia and Hondural revoked their ambassadors. In a barely clear revealing speech, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Africa stated that "Israel has no" right to self -defense ".

But these countries are hardly representatives of the developing world. Despite the fact that Mr. Hussein states, there is no unanimity on the issue of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Take India, the most densely populated country in the world and an important strategic and economic partner of America. Many Indian media do not consider this conflict as an anti -colonial struggle, but rightly depict Israel as a besieged democracy, which is protected from the barbaric terrorist group.

Prime Minister Naandra Modi quickly condemned Hamas's "terrorist attacks on Israel and stated that the Indians" Solidari with Israel during this difficult time ". Mr. Modi spoke with the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyag, India abstained when voting on the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, which calls for the "Humanitarian Armist" in the Gaza Sector Hamas is mentioned.

India was not the only developing country that has abstained from this unilateral UN resolution. Cameroon, Ethiopia, Iraq, Philippines, Tunisia, Zambia and a number of island states of the Pacific Ocean did the same. Many of these countries voted for the infamous UN resolution in 1975, supported by the Soviet Union, which equated Zionism to racism. It is obvious that these countries no longer consider the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in black and white.

In fact, most developing countries, including those that take a hostile to Israel, benefit from the destruction of Hamas. Many countries in Asia and Africa face a real threat to the bloodthirsty jihadism, an example of which is a grouping. The defeat of Israel will inspire jihadists around the world.

This has direct consequences for the safety of developing countries that are not mainly Muslim and have long been fighting terrorism, including India, Thailand, Philippines and a wide range of African countries. But it is also a serious risk for Muslim countries fighting internal extremist problems, such as Algeria, Pakistan, Nigeria and Indonesia. Although the deaths of civilians are sorry everywhere, many US policy critics against Israel look more fierce than morally concerned.

Evil anti -Israeli comments often come from those countries that have failed to succeed - creating a strong democracy and making a transition from poverty to prosperity. Pakistan, for example, is actually bankrupt, is under actual military rule and suffers from terrorist attacks. South Africa cannot prevent theft of the shooting tracks and copper wiring in hospitals.

In the US or West, there is no good reason to draw moral lessons from the reality of countries that have problems with honest elections or with light. President Salvador Naib Bukele, widely popular in Latin America, thanks to the suppression of organized crime in his country, perhaps he has expressed it the best: "As a salviter of Palestinian descent, I am sure that the best thing to happen to Palestinian people is that Hamas is fully Will disappear.