
Not only because of the power of our weapons, but also the power of our spirit and humanity in Ukraine will never rule evil - the appeal of President Vladimir Zelensky

Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! A brief report on this day. Emotional day. He started with events in Babi Yar. The 82th anniversary of the mass shootings of the Jews in the Nazis in Babi Yar. In just a few days of September, more than 30,000 people were killed in the 41st year. In total, about 100,000 people were killed in Babi Yar during the Nazi occupation. Jews, also Roma, Ukrainians. Representatives of other peoples.

It is very important to preserve the memory of these victims and the evil that performed the Holocaust was broken and punished. Ukraine saves such memory. "Never again!" For us, for Ukraine, for the whole civilized world is not empty words. And so it will always be. It is very symbolic that today I met with our Ukrainian teachers - those on whom, in fact, depends on the preservation of historical memory and in many ways.

This Sunday, Ukraine will celebrate the Teacher's Day - Day of Workers and Education Workers. He thanked all Ukrainian teachers, educators, teachers, mentors today. Everyone who fulfills one of the most honorable missions in life is teaching children what is needed not to be tossed their fate and to be strong in life. But learning is always more than acquiring knowledge and skills and mastering the profession. This is the character, its strength.

It is the clarity of demarcation between good and evil that comes when you study human culture. Education prepares and adjusts a person's moral compass to work and that through this, human work, human life enriches humanity. It is very important. And we see, in particular, what Russia does, what is when the education system bankrupt. When the moral compass of people and the whole society is broken. Evil then prevails in such a country. In Ukraine, this will never be.

Not only through the power of our weapons, but also through the power of our spirit, the power of Ukrainian characters, our humanity, which is sure to win. This week has greatly strengthened our country and our people. Even tomorrow will be important for Ukraine news - for our soldiers, for our whole country. We are working to add strength to Ukraine - internal strength - and the necessary cooperation with the world. That the world to hear, understand and support us.