
In the Czech Republic could be detained by Russians who attacked Ukrainian volunteers: what they say in the police

According to the investigation, four citizens were at the airport when law enforcement officers found them. Due to the fact that the investigation is ongoing, many details cannot yet be opened. The Czech Republic managed to detain four people who were related to the incident that occurred on June 1 on Old Town Square in Prague. This is stated on the Czech police page on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

According to the investigation, local law enforcement officers were detained at the Prague Airport of four foreigners, which are related to the Saturday incident. "Criminal investigators have initiated a criminal case on suspicion of several criminal offenses. On the basis of new identified facts, the case will probably be re -qualified," the police said. It has been separately stated that the investigation is still ongoing, so no additional information will be published prematurely.

According to a social network user of Nameless Mira, four Russian tourists arrived in Prague from Germany and wanted to take a walk by historical places of the Czech capital, but as a result, they could attack Ukrainian-Czech volunteers from Prague Maidan, who raised money to help Ukraine. It is known that one of the men accused volunteers of allegedly spreading propaganda. Further, two more women joined the dispute, who began to open an umbrella so that they could not be removed on the camera.

The volunteer Ukrainian woman who kept the entry, then wrote that she had knocked out her phone from her hands and wounded her hand. We will remind, on April 18 it was reported that in Germany caught two spies-deversants from the Russian Federation, which could prepare attacks with arson. Russian -born Russians were photographed by US military facilities and sent photos to special services. According to the investigation, Dieter S.