
Ukrainians have created chip for "teleportation" drones Mavic in battle: how will it hurt the occupiers

Thanks to the Teleport Chip, the Civil UAV becomes more accurate, resistant to RBs, masks the location of the Ukrainian pilot. Even if the Russians capture such a copter, they will no longer be able to use it. Ukrainian engineers have created a Teleport chip that helps Mavic drone better. Dmitry Gnapp told about it the head of NGO "All -Ukrainian Federation of Support and Development of UAV" Dmitry Gnap.

According to Gnapa, the microprocessor works similar to the well -known professionals Chip "Canadian", which replaces the real GPS coordinates with displaced. Chip provides antispufffing (protection against data replacement), cares for the safety of the pilot and anonymity, makes it impossible to use the drone by the enemy. It supports online updates that provide drone with the latest functionality. Some technologies that allow the DJI security system have been purchased by developers abroad.

"Teleport" thanks to advanced antispufffing algorithms enables pilots to fly with GPS on. Thanks to this, the drone flies more stable and better performs tasks. Anonymization is achieved by the shift of real coordinates into the selected television country. This feature improves drone signal and range.

"Unlike other chips, only the pilot can control the method of teleportation, change the teleportation vector, and no one, neither installer and even the chip manufacturer has access to these settings," Gnapa says. The drones that capture the enemy can return to the owners as unfriendly, as it happens with similar outdated circuits. In contrast, Teleport has built -in activation algorithms. The enemy will not be able to install chip to use the captured drone.

This opportunity allows you to freely distribute Teleport through the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Installation of chips is very simple and does not require special skills. Built -in online renewal technology allows you to update the counteraction algorithm if the military has found a new way of influencing drones with enemy technique. Programmers are updating the counteraction, and in a matter of hours, all drones pilots receive a new algorithm.

Previously, to install chips drones had to be sent to the workshop by postal services and then sent back, it took up to 10 days. Teleport chip can install on their own - it takes 30 minutes, together with the disassembly and collection of drone. Chip is now producing several manufacturers. The price varies and is currently 2500 UAH.

The tests of the military in the complex directions of the front showed that Mavic without "Teleport" withstands only one combat departure, thanks to the chip drones fly weeks and months (100-200 departures). Thus, the cost of departure decreases from $ 1500-3000 to 200-300. DJI Mavic drones actively use the defense forces of Ukraine. According to Prime Minister Shmigal, Ukraine is buying more than half of all Mavic produced.