
In the Russian Federation intends to restore work on the creation of aircraft vertical takeoff (photo)

Yakovlev stated that their specialists have 60 years of experience in the development and maintenance of aircraft of this type. However, to implement these plans, it is necessary to solve a number of complex technical tasks. The Russian aircraft company Yakovlev, which is part of the United Aviation Corporation "Rostek", announced on July 27 the restoration of the development of vertical take -off and landing aircraft (VTOL).

According to the Deputy Director General of Civil Aviation, CEO of PJSC "Yakovlev" Andriy Boginsky, the company is ready to start this project at the request of the Ministry of Defense. This was reported by Rostech press service. "The Russian company has accumulated rich experience over the last 60 years and has expanded its competencies in the development and maintenance of aircraft of this type and is ready to bring them into life in short," the press release reads.

The development of VTOL aircraft in Russia began 60 years ago. On July 27, 1964, the test pilot V. G. Mukhin made the first flight on the JSC plane, developed in the OKB AS. Yakovlev. This research model became the basis for further developments, such as-38 and Yak-141, which made a significant contribution to the development of Soviet and Russian aviation. According to the Army Recognition observers, the Yak-141 became the pinnacle of the design bureau.

The fighter was developed by the Soviet Union for the USSR Navy Aircraft carriers. The machine was considered a multi -purpose deck of a supersonic fighter designed to compete with aircraft such as British "Harriers". Yak-141 could develop speeds of up to 1. 7 mac and had a three-rope configuration: the main turbo fan engine RD-41 with a forth-chamber and two lifting RD-38 motors, which made it possible to move smoothly between vertical and horizontal flight.

The fighter was also equipped with a multi -purpose sake -up radar, which increased its capabilities in the aerial combat, allowing several goals to hit simultaneously. The armament of the aircraft included air-air missiles, bombs and guns, which made it suitable for various combat missions, from gaining preference in air to the attack of land purposes.

Andriy Boginsky emphasized that Yakovlev has preserved and expanded his rich experience in the development of VTOL-devices, which allows to implement new developments promptly. In recent years, the company has focused on the creation of modern aviation technologies and is ready to return to the creation of VTOL aircraft if this task is set by the Ministry of Defense.

However, the Russian expert community believes that VTOL aircraft can be extremely important not only for the Navy but also for air space forces, especially in conditions where base aerodromes are threatened with massive rocket strokes. Such planes can be used on different ships and in the ground version on small sites without runways.

At the same time, the creation of a modern machine with the possibility of vertical take -off and planting requires serious problems, including the development of a specialized glider and wing, a powerful and reliable engine, as well as new generation avionics. In this context, it is advisable to create a VTOL-Flyak for Russian PCS, especially given the rapid development of unmanned aviation.