
Hezbollah head boasted with a new weapon and threatens to attack Cyprus

In response, President of Cyprus has already warned that his island state is neutral. And it is through Cyprus that the humanitarian aid for Gaza comes. Sayed Hassan Nasralla, the head of the Lebanese Shiite Party and the Hezbolla group, in a new treatment he began to threaten Cyprus.

Nasralla stated that he commanded new weapons and intelligence, which would help the grouping to attack more important positions in the depths of Israel in the event of a full -scale war, as well as Cyprus, reporting that it was a battle "without rules". About it writes Daily Mail. Cyprus President Nikos Hrystidulidis made an immediate statement, saying that his island state "does not participate in any way" in any military operations in the region.

Cyprus is a "part of the solution, not part of the problem," he said, pointing to the Cyprus Gaza sea corridor used to deliver assistance to the Palestinian territory. Hezbolla's leader boasted the development of "new weapons", which he can use on the "front lines" of a potential conflict with Cyprus, which draws more and more countries into increasing tensions in the Middle East.

The grouping of the militants also hinted at the fact that it fills the oil into the fire of the conflict with each other and Israel, publishing spooky footage on which its drones will explore whole in the north of Israeli territory. "Now we have a new weapon. But I won't say what it is. When the decision is made, they will be seen on the front line," Nasralla said in a TV dedicated to the memory In the south of Lebanon last week.

He said that if Israel decides to escalate the war with Lebanon, it would have broader regional consequences. He stated that Hezbolla would attack any other country in the region that will help Israel in hostilities by referring to Cyprus, where the Israeli forces are placed for exercises. He suggested that Cyprus could allow Israel to use its bases in the event of a wider war. The island has two military British bases - acrotiri and decalia.

Nasralli's statements were made at a time when a multi -year cross -border conflict between Hezbolla and Israel seems to reach boiling points. The almost 10-minute video published on Tuesday was the most striking testimony to the escalation of the conflict. The footage allegedly shows the reconnaissance drones that fly over Haifa, the city in the depths of Israel. Haifa has a port of the same name, one of the three international seaports of Israel.

The city also houses a well -developed military base, which, according to personnel, will become a goal in the future conflict. We will remind, threatens Cyprus not only "Hezbolla", but also Russia. Following the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin about the "asymmetric response" of Russia in response to the strikes of Western weapons in the Russian Federation, in the information space various analysts have made a number of assumptions about the nature of such an answer.