
Su-34 aerodrome: in Russian Voronezh reported strong explosions (video)

The locals reported several explosions in the airfield. Russian warriors talk about the work of air defense. On the night of January 2, strong explosions were heard in the Russian Voronezh. This was reported by the Russian military "Thirteenth" on Telegram. "In Voronezh, a strong explosion is reported, we find out the details," he wrote. He then reported that the explosion allegedly stirred up in the sky, as the Russian air defense knocked out a Ukrainian drone.

Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov reported in his Telegram that the explosion occurred in the area of ​​the Baltimore airfield, which is based on Su-34 fighter bombers. Also on the network there were videos with explosions, as well as comments from local residents. Previously, the airfield was called "Voronezh-B". It is located in the Soviet district of Voronezh.

The 47th bombing (previously mixed) Aviation Regiment of the 105th Mixed Aviation Division of the 6th Army of the Air Force and Air Force of the Western Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is stationed there. Used by Russian troops for the task of air strikes in the territory of Ukraine since February 24, 2022. Soviet/Russian multifunctional front supersonic fighter-bomber Su-34 is used to put strokes in the conditions of strong opposition of air defense.

It is attributed to a generation of 4 ++ because it performs tasks without covering and escorting fighters. Focus also reported that the base of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was destroyed in Makiivka. The Russians, according to the locals, arranged their military object in the building of the former vocational school. "Bavivna" in occupied Makeevka took place at exactly 00:00 local time.

We will also remind that the 13-year-old resident of Kherson region twice came under fire in the New Year. After the shelling, a serious wounded child was taken to intensive care, where a Russian projectile flew again. During the life of 13-year-old Yaroslav, doctors from Nikolaev are now fighting. We will also remind that NATO Secretary General has told about Russia's plans for Ukraine.