
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation received a new batch of modernized MSTA-SA: what was improved

According to Rostekh corporation, the M2 labeling installations are equipped with a new 152 mm gun 2A79, as well as a modernized managing and fire control system, which allegedly differ in the characteristics of range and accuracy. A new party of modernized self-propelled howitzers 2C19m2 "MSTA-C" has recently been arranged by the Russian Land Forces.

It is the first party of the new version of the 2C19 "MSTA-C" with the marking "M2", to which they added improvement taking into account the experience of war in Ukraine. This was reported on September 24 by Zona Militar. The authors of the material with reference to the message of the press service of the Rostek Corporation noted that the supply of new artillery howitzers is carried out in the framework of the execution of state contracts, calculated by 2023.

At the same time, in July this year, Russian troops received the SAU Party labeled "M1", which were removed from storage and upgraded. But the number of equipment delivered was not reported. "Perhaps this is due to the necessary precautions in the conditions of armed conflict in Ukraine, as well as in the face of the event, so as not to report the number of units lost in battles due to replacement of cars," the observers said.

First of all, it is a new gun of the self-ski-it is 152 mm gun 2A79, which replaced the previous 2A64. The new gun is intended to provide greater fire strength at great distances. It is reported that it is equipped with a modernized automated managing and fire control system (ASUNV-M), which is characterized by "improved accurate characteristics and the ability to display electronic topographic maps" for crews.

In turn, all innovations are intended to increase the efficiency of counter -battering struggle, since this modification of the SAU may allegedly define coordinates and automatically give a gun to shoot from closed firing positions.

In addition, Rostech release of September 21 says that the upgraded MSTU has also received a new power plant and a new air conditioning system that improves the conditions for crew, which further increases the degree of automation when performing tasks from fire support. Earlier it was reported that Ukrainian artillerymen carefully and methodically collect data on the use of 155mm ammunition from different countries, which are used with various examples of Western artillery.