
"We need to tell the truth": the Armed Forces officer criticized the statements about "Ukrainian Lancket" (video)

According to the commander of the K-2 battalion of the 54th OMB of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Cyril Veres, the news may see that Ukraine has its "Lancet", but the Ukrainian drone does not yet reach Russian by parameters. The commander of the K-2 battalion of the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after Hetman Ivan Mazepa of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Cyril Veres criticized the news that they created an analogue of the Russian bargage ammunition "Lancet" in Ukraine.

In this regard, the officer spoke in an interview with "Ukrainian Truth". The military noted that Russian drones "Lancet" significantly affect the situation on the front. For example, earlier the armored group of the unit could be advanced 2-3 times a day to repel the assault or on a counter-fight, but because of "lanceotes" such operations became more risky.

According to the officer, the drone, which is called the analogue of "lancet", cannot be compared with the Russian apparatus by technical characteristics. "That 150 km flies, this one is 40 km, which analogue, b *** b?-said Cyril heather. " What is analogue? Good analog FPV We made? kilometers fly, we need to tell the truth. " According to the military, such statements may seem that Ukraine has its "lancet".

He noted that the mentioned UAVs will be launched from the rear and it will "fly only 20 kilometers. " "And we all think that we will win the war again, because someone is pi *** and others have not figured out. We have already come up with an analogue of Lancet, but it is necessary to modify to increase the quality of fire damage. But this will improve the 7% situation for today Day, " - said Cyril Veres.

We will remind, on June 18, the Military Portal of Defense Express reported that in Paris there was an international defense exhibition of the EuroSatory 2024, within which the Ukrainian Dron-Kamikadze "Bulava" from the company UAC, called the analogue of Russian drone "Lancet" was first presented. For his part, analyst Julian Repke noted that the mace of the mace was equipped with software with AI.