
The occupiers of the season of "clear assaults", and the forces of defense are not going to leave the cribs - Humeniuk

The invaders are not allowed to use armored vehicles because they lose it all quickly, so they are storming with small arms. On the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region in the area of ​​Krynok, the invaders do not leave attempts to knock out from there the Ukrainian Zinos. There are "meat storms" of the invaders without the use of armored vehicles.

Today, on February 28, Natalia Humeniuk, the head of the united coordination Press Center of Defense forces of Southern Ukraine, announced on the FREED. "We are not going to depart, we have quite reliable positions at the bridgeheads, we have attached there, despite the fact that the enemy really in absolutely barbaric way actually leveled with the land of Krynka. It is against the backdrop of the statement that the occupiers were in a hurry that they themselves had great image losses, "she said.

Natalia Humeniuk noted that even the bloggers of the Russian Federation criticized the Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoig about the "release" of the Krynok. "As of today, for the previous battle era, the enemy has only gathered for one assault attempt. It is up to 30 invaders who, in the composition of three groups of 10 people, tried to approach the cribs from different sides," she said.

She added that the forces of defense in this area have complicated logistics, and the invaders have land behind the back, but they save armored vehicles for assaults. "Non -use in the assault of armored vehicles in them lasts as a commander's embargo. That is, they are forbidden to use the equipment because they lose it irreversibly. And despite the fact that they have a resource that can be tightened, they still save it. Now they just have a season. "Meat storms", "Natalia Humeniuk summed up.