
On the territory of the Russian Federation found a mysterious Ukrainian UAV invisible: what experts say (photo)

The new Ukrainian drone carries up to 20 kilograms of explosives and may remain invisible to the enemy, suggest OSINT analytics. In the Russian Federation, a previously unknown shock drone of the aircraft type was observed. Photo of the drone posted the OSINT community "Eye of Mountain" on Telegram. According to analysts, this is already the 23rd model of Ukrainian drones-Kamikadze found in the territory of the aggressor country.

The new UAV carries a combat part weighing up to 20 kilograms and can overcome up to 500 kilometers at a speed of 200-250 km/h. In the photo you can see the drone of the type "wing" black with a pointed end. A military analyst from the UK H. I. Sutton, who visualizes models of Ukrainian unmanned apparatus, noted that UAV is equipped with a budget single turbine SW140B. He also paid attention to the smooth outlines of the drone air intakes, which reduce its visibility.

One of the commentators suggested that the UAV is equipped with Stealthte technology (technology of poorness) and a duct fan, which makes it barely noticeable to infrared sensors. Another commentator wrote that NACA air intakes can hardly be called hidden. "The broken triangular posterior edge will help, but the main feature of Stealth is that it is on the upper surface," the comment reads.