
The store employee became a national hero, reflecting from the robbers of Samurai weapons

Sales of ancient Japanese combat grip increased sharply after the jewelry store used it to affect the attackers. The Tokyo Jeweler was called the hero of Japan after he had prevented the robbery. The video, which has become widely publicized, shows that he pursues three suspects, holding a weapon invented hundreds of years ago by warriors: Sasumat Japanese combat wadd, NTDV reports. The "scene" happened at the famous Sibuya intersection in Sinziuk (Tokyo), which is very popular with tourists.

The video shows a seller of a store in a white shirt and braces, waving a two -thorn pole with a sacumat with two spikes at the end, holds three men in motorcycle helmets. Then it strikes a motorcycle, which has been shot down for a few seconds for a few seconds. The Japanese media reported that after the Sunday incident, two suspects were arrested and the search for the third was ongoing. This case has aroused interest in saumatics, weapons used by samurai in the past to detain criminals.

Queries for the purchase of this tool have increased sharply after the video incentive was published, which led to sales growth. The manufacturer of car spare parts, which is also engaged in the manufacture of sapumums, reported waves of requests for this traditional weapon. The company that previously sold only a few pieces a month now receives up to 10 orders a day from the fall of last year.

The company's president warned the need to study before using sapumums, noting that it is intended for self -defense and requires some skills to use effectively. We will remind, police officers were able to arrest the suspect in robbery thanks to the bright underwear, which looked from under the pants. It was also reported that the police used traces from a dildo to detain a criminal who robbed the girl's house.