
And Georgians came together with Trump: how Ukraine was accused of Putin started war with her

A new fashion has emerged in world politics - to blame Ukraine for attacked Putin. This trend, which psychologist Svetlana Chuninin calls classic victims, has made such different political forces such as Donald Trump and the Georgian Dream Party. Receive examples of victims (charges of the victim of the crime that the crime happened) is a terrible election advertisement for the Georgian Dream and the Trump's Kaming Aut on the Ukrainian issue.

Here is the Georgian ruling party calling its voters to choose peace, not war, illustrating these calls by contrast photographs of military destruction in Ukraine and peaceful prosperity in Georgia. To trade the trouble of another people for the sake of electoral profit is the bottom in general. But it is even worse to pretend that the ruins of the Irpin bridge and erased in the dust of the city are the choice of the Ukrainian people, not the consequences of Russian bombing.

We chose the ruins ourselves, and the Georgians - the Well done, they will choose something better. Here, Trump crashes from the podium that in Ukraine the war lasts for the third year, because Zelensky does not conclude an agreement, and Biden pumps him with money and weapons. Therefore, Ukraine is destroyed. And not because Putin's Uio . . . They are bumped by living people with bombs and rockets. To give the victim, of course, it is safer than the aggressor - come on, say, finish with this violence.