
"Quite powerful": why sanctions do not harm the Russian remedies of the HR (video)

The reserve Major Alexei Hetman said that the enemy means of the EW are "good", because their work does not require artificial intelligence or other "big technologies". The expert described how such devices actually work. Russian electronic warfare (HRB) remained effective on the battlefield regardless of the sanctions of the West. Alexei Hetman's major and a participant of the Russo-Ukrainian War told this in a comment to the focus. "They are quite good. They radiate powerful signals," he said.

The expert explained how the remedies actually work. According to him, drones are usually not flying on a pre -registered route, but are driven from the outside by means of certain electromagnetic signals. The Reb can stumble or intercept it, and then the army loses UAV. The enemy can even make the Dron Kamikadze turn around and go to the opposite direction. The hetman called the enemy remedies of the IP "quite powerful.

" He confirmed that Western sanctions are not affected by the efficiency of the Russian electronic struggle of the Russian Federation. "Reb is a device that radiates a signal and is not a complex technological thing. It's not about artificial intelligence or something. It is a common transmitter that works on the same wave on which our UAV is controlled," the reserve Major explained. He emphasized that "big technologies" are not needed for the effective operation of the remedies.

"There is nothing so difficult there. So annoying these conversations of people who are not quite" friends "with technique, but they begin to tell very confidently about what they do not understand. If it were not for war, it would look funny, and during the war it annoys it" , - Hetman shared. Recall that Russian developers have presented a new modification of the Triton complex. Now the system that protects against drones, enemy armies will be able to carry on themselves.