
Our Response of Iskander: What prevents Ukraine from producing its own missiles

Ukraine can not establish the regular release of its missiles in the right amount, although it has every opportunity. This is confident economist Pavel Vernivsky, so he calls the reasons why this does not happen - both obvious and hidden. Why does Ukraine not make rockets? I will voice my own version. We do not produce rockets not because they are not able to. If you go out a little, you can see many promising developments. And Grim-2 OTRK, our analogue of Iskander. And the winged Korshun missiles.

Even a year ago, someone boasted there that we had reworked the Neptune rocket for launchers for land purposes. So the problem is not that we cannot produce rockets. The problem is that we do it very slowly and insufficient. And this is because we lack systematicity, priority. Plus - effective and qualitative management decisions for accelerating development and further production.

And all this complex of issues, namely the lack of understanding and desire to interfere with production processes, gives rise to a situation where "the tops do not understand and the lower ones cannot. " And, probably because of this, the domestic rocket program is still towing. In general, all problems that interfere with the development and production of their own missiles were observed before the start of a full -scale invasion throughout the years of independence.

The Ukrainian industry has been degraded for 30 years, much lost and forgotten. And some processes, from logistical connections and to internal production processes, have been broken. Everything needs to be rebuilt, but almost no one is doing this. For analogy, imagine that you have a car that has visited several road accidents and starts to shrug.

By analogy with such a car, the mechanisms of the Ukrainian MIC is inadequate, but instead of repairing, everyone thinks that it will go on its own, just pour gasoline. However, this does not work. At the same time, people who gave an instruction to develop a rocket program believe that in order to solve the problem, you only need to allocate funds and give government orders. That's where all their work ends.

However, even if money is found on the rocket program, just as Antonov for the Antonov plant, when Zelensky promised to buy his planes, it does not guarantee the rapid appearance of these missiles. Moreover, the many problems that are facing the defense sector companies are not able to solve independently. For example, let's take the development process. Any industrial product is a kind of designer that is collected from different parts and components.

We can import certain details of this conditional designer, but there are components that are very difficult to import, because the country-owners of these technologies can impose restrictions on their export. In the US, missile technologies are regulated by a special mode-Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which limits access to these technologies to all those who want to supply them only with key partner countries.

However, even the fact that Ukraine is now a partner of the United States, it does not mean that we have automatically received permission to obtain these technologies. It must be received separately. And this, in turn, is a political question. That is, even in this direction, systemic work is required, similar to the one that is conducted to obtain ready -made weapons from the event.

It is partially continuing, but is not systematic, at the same time, this initiative comes from below, from companies. And then politicians join it to be ashamed, to sign a memorandum - and all. Therefore, political work is not done to accelerate this technology at all. Additionally, manufacturers may have problems with personnel. Very often, this problem is difficult to solve, because due to the degradation of the sector in the industry there are few specialists.

Therefore, political and management decisions are also needed here to find and prepare the necessary personnel. Moreover, it is necessary to re -promote the profession, look for specialists from other industries or involve foreign professionals who would cover our weaknesses in certain areas. There is also no this work. It should be noted that problems are observed not only at the stage of development, but also in production.

That is, when there is already some ready -made weapons, but even we cannot produce it in large quantities. All this is explained by the degradation of production, the loss of personnel, the skills of production organization. What to say here if these people now cannot create even massive production of simpler jet shells for RSZO or even shells, that is, a more elementary product than technological missiles.

And if we cannot solve the problem with the projectiles, then I do not think we should expect promotion in the missile program, because this does not create the relevant prerequisites. I do not even exclude sabotage in weapons, because Russians can recruit staff of the Sector of MIC as well as corremtors for rocket strikes. And the participants of the process can purposefully slow down the process, telling our states, who do not penetrate that it is impossible to do more and more.