
"Minister-Recidivist": In Kazakhstan, a former top official to death killed his wife-the media

According to journalists, the Kazakh Excellence Bishabayev is accused not only of murder of his wife, but also of victimblaming (victim accusations) and information manipulation. The former Minister of Economy of Kazakhstan 43-year-old Kuandik Bishabayev is accused of murder of the 31-year-old wife of Saltanat Nukenova. The BBC writes about it. According to the investigation, the murder happened in an elite restaurant, in a closed room-a VIP-Kabbinka, where Bishabayev and his wife were dinner.

On the dock near the excessories is his cousin Bakhitzhan Bajuanov. Bishabayev, who, according to investigators, killed his civilian wife with special cruelty, before torturing her, does not admit his guilt and insists that Nukenova had consumed alcohol, swore and provoked it. The excellence brother is accused of concealing the crime - it was on his behalf that part of the records from the camcorders of the observation was destroyed.

First of all, the investigation shows that Bishabayev left his beaten wife on the floor of the restaurant, where she died within 6-8 hours. However, instead of calling an "ambulance", the expulsion called the fortune tellers after Nuken's fainted. During the investigation, Bishabayev argued that his wife provoked him by swearing and that he did not beat her at all, but simply pushed it several times in order to put it to consciousness.

In the end, during the investigation, it became known that the expolist did not call doctors, but asked for a cousin to bring aspirin with ketonal. At the same time, in court, Baiganov said that Bishabayev also asked him to delete videos so that his conflict with his wife did not get into the public. He also gave his brother to Nuchenova to hide her geolocation from his relatives. According to the forensic examination, Saltanate Nucnova died due to a closed traumatic brain injury.

In addition, the victim had a broken nose, multiple bruises and damage were found on the head. Expertise proved that Nuchenov's injuries are not the result of her fall, according to the accused. The case of murder of a young woman by her own husband has led to outrage in the public, which is almost daily in Kazakhstan and other countries with cases of domestic violence.

Hundreds of thousands of people watched the many hours of review of court sessions in the case of Bishabayev, and the discussion of the shocking case spread beyond Kazakhstan. In addition, Beshishbayev's case has debunked the myth that such terrible things happen only in families who live behind poverty because Bishabayev was one of the wealthy privileged young officials, and his father is one of the most titled rectors of the country and a friend of the former president Nazarbayev.

At the same time, Bishabayev's opponents demand lifelong punishment for an external. The hashtag #of the principal in the support of the killed appeared on social networks, and Bishabayev is accused not only of murder, but also of victimblaming (victim accusations) and information manipulation.

According to Zulphi Baysakov, the chairman of the Crisis Centers Union, the existent is the first case of domestic violence, which is considered with the participation of jurors, and even in an online format. "Interest was increased personally in Bishabayev, because it was a relapse. He was still criminally liable, but under another article, for corruption frauds. The President released him ahead of schedule, and he again violated (the law. special cruelty, " - said the human rights activist.