
The Kremlin avoids punishment for riots in Dagestan: in ISW ​​called the reason

Analysts indicated that the Russian Federation considers it necessary to punish only participants of riots and those who directly encroached on the lives of law enforcement. The Russian Federation is likely to seek limited punishment for anti -Semitic riots in the Dagestan Republic, as the Kremlin is afraid. This is stated in the report of the Institute of War Study (ISW) of November 2.

According to analysts, 15 participants of riots were arrested in the Russian Federation at Mahachkalai Airport, as well as released a local official who participated in the protest. The head of the Dagestan Republic noted that the punishment awaits only on the initiators of the pogrom and those who directly encroached on the lives of law enforcement officers. The Kremlin speaker Dmitry Peskov supported the position of the head of Dagestan on the punishment of participants of riots.

At the same time, some Russians have criticized a condescending attitude towards protesters. For her part, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova critically spoke about the warning of Israeli on trips to the North Caucasus, saying that such actions were "anti -Russian" and that the Russian authorities responded sufficiently to the events in Dagestan. Analysts believe that the Russian leadership avoids wider punishments because it is afraid to call the Kremlin's dissatisfaction.

We will remind, in the ISW report on October 31 it is said that anti -Semitic riots in Dagestan and the response of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov indicate that Russian officials may be increasingly concerned with the loss of control over the Russian periphery. The network also appeared on November 1, that "Kadyrivtsi" arrived in Dagestan to make orders after protests in Makhachkal.