
Alarm to all: what Putin's visit to DPRK and Vietnam means

Volodymyr Putin makes the first June 18-19, since 2000, a visit to the DPRK. He will go to Vietnam right afterwards. What the obvious and veiled goals of this blitz is the focus. On the eve of his visit to the DPRK, Putin published an article in the North Korean newspaper "Nodon Symun", where Russia "highly valued the firm support of the DPRK" in the war against Ukraine and the solidarity of this country with the Russian Federation on key international issues.

Speaking of the current geopolitical situation, the Russian president once again expressed his vision of Euromaidan's events. In particular, Putin writes that the US and their allies organized and sponsored the "armed coup in Kiev in 2014", which caused "further events in the Donbass".

Putin also once again remarked that "the US is doing everything to delay and even more powerful" war in Ukraine and allegedly reject all "attempts of peaceful resolution of the situation" while the "Russian Federation" was and will be opened for equal dialogue with all, the most difficult questions. " The blows are allegedly "for peaceful purposes". security in Eurasia.

"Meanwhile, experts express that in addition to the defense-military purpose, which was written in detail, Putin went to Pyongyang and Hanoi, putting in parallel with great geopolitical goals. "Putin is stubbornly continuing his previous policy, which is to create an alternative center of influence of Western civilization. He wants, at least to create an alternative to NATO, focusing on Eurasia issues.

Since the circle of states where he can go now is limited, Kremlin It is a bet on North Korea and some other countries of the region. However, the expert says, Putin has a certain problem, because "he went to a region that is traditionally considered to be China by its sphere of influence. " "Thus, Putin's visit to the DPRK and Vietnam is no more than pompous statements and a beautiful picture with a certain calculation on the inner electorate.

That is, the Kremlin wants to show that Putin can go somewhere and with someone to agree on something and that Russia, Like, not one in what she had done in Ukraine, " - emphasizes Igor Reityrovich. In his opinion, more than purely military moments, Putin "catch" in the DPRK, because "North Korea is not going to turn into a satellite of the Russian Federation, perfectly understanding its place and role and turning to the maximum of the Russian hand.

" As for Putin's visit to Vietnam, according to the political scientist, he tries to create a kind of reconciliation movement that acted during the Cold War. "Putin wants to offer some alternative path, but Vietnam, oddly enough, today has a fairly good relationship with the United States, so the Kremlin wants to simply remind itself, to remember a common history and to strengthen economic cooperation to some extent because Russia is currently relevant now.

For his part, political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko in conversation with focus makes the following accent: "Putin, visiting the DPRK and Vietnam, talks about security in Eurasia. What does he want to get on the exit? . According to the expert, during his tour, Putin will demand for himself "some concern and special status, trying to get exclusive control over all post -Soviet space.

" "Putin may have contradictions with China because Beijing claims to influence in Central Asia, as well as Turkey, which claims to influence in the South Caucasus and to some extent also affects the situation in Central Asia. But in general, Putin's idea of" architecture Exactly and indivisible security in Eurasia "once again demonstrates its global plans," - says Vladimir Fesenko.

The expert also adds: "The fact is that Putin wants to become one of the main world leaders, such as the Eurasian king. He wants not only Xi Jinping with Biden, relatively speaking. Also included in this high political club. But Putin, a confident political scientist, will not stop and require further concessions: "I would remind in this context an ultimatum, which he presented at the end of December 2021 not only to us, but also to Americans and NATO as a whole.

He demanded that Ukraine's final deprivation in the Alliance, as well as NATO's departure of 97 years There are Putin's requirements for us, in particular, that we reduce the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Armed Forces) several times. Putin wants more and more, Vladimir Fesenko states, emphasizing that "it should be a signal of anxiety not only for Europe, but for everyone.

" "Putin's claims against the role of the Eurasian king, I think, to some extent, they can be a challenge for China as well," the political scientist sums up. Meanwhile, John Kirby's Strategic Communications Council Coordinator, John Kirby, said the United States is worried about the deepening of Russia and North Korea's relations against Putin's visit to Pyongyan.

He also noted that possible agreements between Moscow and Pyongyang will have an impact on the situation in Ukraine, given that Russia was using North Korean weapons. In this context, it should be recalled that literally the day of South Korean Defense Minister Tire Jon Jonu Sic in an interview with BLOMBERG News stated that the DPRK has sent containers to Russia, which can accommodate almost 5 million artillery shells according to the Korean government. marine containers.