
Three areas will be left without gas if Ukraine stops transit with the Russian Federation - expert (video)

Ukrainians should be indifferent to which they will have gas during the cold winter, said energy expert Yuri Korolchuk. For these reasons, Ukraine is unlikely to stop the transit of Russian gas. It is profitable for Europe and Ukraine to continue to maintain Russian gas transit. If it is not in the pipes, Ukrainian consumers will suffer from the increase in the price of delivery and the fact that three areas will have problems with pressure.

Yuriy Korolchuk, a co -founder of the Energy Strategy Fund, spoke about the problems that may appear after refusing to cooperate with Gazprom in 2025. Journalists asked Korolchuk, which means Azerbaijan's proposal to transport his gas through Ukraine instead of Gazpromivsky. The expert first explained that this country will not be able to fill the pipe with 2 billion cubic meters. m, as reported in FinanCail Times.

According to him, it will be the same Russian gas that the Azerbaijanis will first buy and then start supplying it to the EU countries. At the same time, he stressed that Ukraine also needs transit. The reason for this situation is to provide some pressure in the pipes to receive Ukrainian consumers. This pressure is provided with 15-20 billion cubic meters. m that are transported now. "For internal consumers, at least the minimum volume of gas, which we now has transit, is needed.

In order to maintain the pressure appropriate and that this gas, roughly speaking, reaches all corners of Ukraine," he said. If there is no pressure, there will be two problems, the expert explained. First, the gas supply. Secondly, it will be "problematic" to deliver to three areas: on the other hand, you can hope for the warm winter-it is such winter that was two years in a row, but the expert considers it unlikely.

Therefore, he emphasized that it is advantageous for Ukrainians to make gas in pipes. If he is there, then the "inhabitant" will not be interested in what its origin. "This plan, I think, will be implemented because gas, first, needs Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, and then-Balkans, Italy. There will essentially be no difference for the inhabitant. The ordinary citizen of Ukraine will not understand where this gas from It really goes, "Korolchuk said.

It should be noted that in the summer, Ukraine stated that it does not plan to continue a contract with the Russian State Corporation "Gazprom", which supplies gas to a number of EU countries: Slovakia, Hungary, Austria. At the same time, experts surveyed by focus explained that during the previous gas crises, Ukraine learned to keep the system without Russian gas.