
Death to reconnaissance drowns: As the Brazilian Embraer aircraft will help protect the airfields of the Armed Forces

Recent events have updated the problem of protection of stationary facilities of the Armed Forces, especially aerodromes. Military analyst Konstantin Mashovets proposes to solve this issue with the help of one simple but very effective plane . . . as for me . . .

EMB-314 Super Tucano A-29A \ B-one of the possible solutions to cover important stationary objects of defense forces of Ukraine in the operational rear , from the actions of operative-tactical UAVs of intelligence and the enemy (Iranian "mopeds" it also applies), and in general, can intercept such goals in predefined areas: need-somewhere 10-12 units . . . Although, usually, the firm "Embarier" sells them a party in 30 units (24 combat + 6 training).

It would be easy to establish patrolling of these aircraft in certain areas in the operational rear (for example, in the area of ​​our airbase and other important military infrastructure facilities). It can patrol - up to 8 hours (with suspended tanks). Questions may arise, I think, only with the detection and giving on hostile operational-tactical UAV-reconnaissance… The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.