
Double Experience for Ukrainians: Who can retire at 45

Some categories of citizens may take advantage of the privilege of leaving a well -deserved rest of the previously established average retirement age. It is about employees of educational institutions and health care. In Ukraine, some categories of citizens may retire the previously established retirement age. This applies to people who worked in difficult or harmful conditions, as well as civil servants, scientists and employees of local self -government bodies. About it reports "24 Channel".

Special categories of pensioners can take advantage of the privilege of leaving for a well -deserved rest of the previously established average retirement age. First of all, this applies to employees of educational institutions and health care. People whose professional activity is related to these areas have the opportunity to retire at the age of 45, the main thing is to have sufficient work experience.

The right to premature retirement should be: it is important to note that medical staff can receive a pension for years of service only after the termination of work. In the case of a new employment, payments are canceled before the work is completed. The last increase in pensions in Ukraine took place in March 2023. Then the minimum amount of pension payments was increased from UAH 2,100 to UAH 2,520, which brought the benefit of a large number of pensioners.