
"Set up by the OP management." Roman Kostenko is about who disrupted the preparation for the war and the active actions of the Armed Forces in the south. Interview

Former Defense Minister Andriy Taran is a person who should be questioned for the breakdown of preparation for war with the Russian Federation, the People's Deputy from the party Roman Kostenko is convinced of the party. He believes that the presidential office management was appointed to fulfill this goal.

In an interview with Radio NV, the Secretary of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Kostenko explained what his accusations were, and also told whether Ivan Bakanov's actions were investigated, which was recently released from the post Collaboration from the servant of the people Alexei Kovalev. Video Day - The Ukrainian side does not comment on the course of events in the south.

I pay attention to the daily review of events from the General Staff and see that during the last week reports on great losses among the personnel of the Russian army. For example, today almost half a thousand soldiers a day. How much can you tell what is happening in the south, in particular in Kherson region? - I don't want to tell a lot. Everyone has already agreed to tell the main thing - goals and tasks, but they are clear, I think, for everyone, not to make the secret of Polyshinel.

Indeed, our troops are active in some areas. The Russians have already felt what the Ukrainian army is, Ukrainian power when we can do it. If we continue to go so, if we continue, it can change a lot, because in the whole war our armed forces, starting even since 2014, have performed any offensive or counter -offensive operations. I do not speak action but operations.

If in this promising direction we succeed, it can both raise the spirit of the Ukrainian army very strongly, and show that we can still not only stand in defense, but also return our territories. - Although US publications write that there are even released settlements, but the liberated village is very difficult to hide.

Do you know something about liberated settlements? - Where there are fighting, locals are unlikely to write about the released settlements, because in recent times there were such protracted and bloody battles that there are practically no left in that direction. And there is no particular Internet there to write - it is practically destroyed there. We will already learn about it from our official resources when needed. Hope this is not the last settlements.