
American sanctions against Russia are noticeably affected by Turkey's economy - Reuters

Washington is aimed at reducing the Kremlin's income, but Turkey suffers from this, which is the main importer of Russian oil. The US pressure provoked a slowdown in payments, which led to a decrease in the level of trade between Ankara and Moscow. The United States continues to apply sanctions on Russia, which influences trade relations between Russia and Turkey. About it reports Reuters.

US pressure on financial companies that continue to cooperate with Russia has led to a slowdown and violation of a number of payments, which led to a decrease in trade between Turkey and Russia. These payments include Turkish transactions for the purchase of Russian oil and similar operations by Russia on Turkish exports. In addition, it should be noted that Russia is the main supplier of oil for Turkey, a country that depends on energy.

It is important to note that US sanctions are aimed at reducing the Kremlin's income and preventing full -scale Russian military action against Ukraine. However, Washington is also aware that restrictions should not lead to blocking Russian oil flows into world markets to avoid increasing oil prices and related consequences. The US is particularly concerned about the possible rise in gasoline prices on the eve of the presidential election scheduled for November 2024.

Anonymous sources of the publication note that there are some difficulties with financial transactions due to the fact that banks in Turkey have increased the check of clients from the Russian Federation. However, it is reported that this did not completely stop the supply of oil to Turkey, although a small amount of delays in the delivery of goods was noticed. According to representatives of the Turkish oil industry, difficulties began after December.

At the same time, the Russian side states that it has not received payments from Turkey in the last two to three weeks. We will remind that the media on February 13 reported that the Russian Federation blocked part of the fleet for transportation of oil. The Kremlin does not know how to solve this situation, in the meantime, the cost of freight has increased sharply, while Russian oil has started to become cheaper.