
Sanctions must actually touch every Russian - advisor to the Presidential Office Head of the need to approve the twelfth sanction package

Another briefing for ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic institutions of EU member countries, dedicated to the issues of sanctions priorities of Ukraine, took place in the Presidential Office.

Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksiy Sobolev spoke about the key priorities of sanctioned policy, which is put by an interagency working group on the implementation of state sanction policy, headed by the first Viceremier-Minister of Ukraine-Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko, to make it impossible for Russia to finance.

He also informed the audience about the volume of economic restrictions applied by Ukraine to the legal entities, natural persons of the Russian Federation and the Iran military-industrial complex, the arrest and the recovery of the state income of sub-state assets, the funds of which are directed to the Fund for the elimination of the consequences of armed aggression.

"The recovered Russian assets will in fact be the main long -term source of support of Ukraine in the restoration of damaged infrastructure and compensation for the damage caused," - said Alexei Sobolev.

Vice president on economic and political research of the Kiev School of Economics Natalia Shapoval emphasized the importance of urgent consideration by partners the issue of improving the mechanism of price ceiling for oil and petroleum products, because despite the fact that the price ceiling works, Russia continues to bypass it for the purpose of transportation. reducing the effect of energy sanctions.

Natalia Shapoval informed in detail the representatives of Dipanor about how the aggressor country is frauding with the certification of this raw material to sell it at a higher price, transports oil through the services of third countries in insurance, shadow fleet, etc.

The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office Vladislav Vlasyuk told the participants of the sanction priorities, who, according to the recommendations of the International Sanction Group of Yermak-Macfola, will have the strongest influence on the economy of the aggressor country. In particular, these are IT-sanctions, restrictions on access to knowledge and technologies, further energy sanctions, as well as the restrictions that every Russian feel.