
The Armed Forces from January has been received by more than drones than during the whole 2023 - Sukharevsky

The Commander of the Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Vadim Sukharevsky promised to exceed the task of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on the transfer to Ukrainian defenders in 2024 1 million FPV-punks. For five months, Ukrainian defenders received six times more drones from state -owned companies than in 2023. Vadim Sukharevsky, the commander of the forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, informed about it in the comment "RBC-Ukraine".

"For the period that has passed this year, the state has set up six times more drones in the armed forces than in the last year. This trend goes to the extension," Sukharevsky emphasized. At the same time, he guaranteed that the task of transferring to Ukrainian defenders in 2024 1 million FPV-thefields, given by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, would be exceeded.

At the same time, Sukharevsky added that there are many drones in Ukraine, but not all of them are ready to launch large -scale production. This requires the creation of government programs to scale their production. "It is not only about production on the territory of Ukraine, but also abroad to scale the best samples," said unmanned systems commander.

It is known that with the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine significantly increased the production rate of drones. In particular, Ukrainian defenders use drones to defend the country from Russian invaders. Thus, when the Armed Forces fighters lacked artillery shells, they were actually replaced by FPV-aroma, which actively destroyed the hostile infantry and equipment.