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Researchers believe that the ship on the island of this changed the history of t...

Not all discoveries: the oldest and largest shipyards in the world have found new artifacts (photos)

Researchers believe that the ship on the island of this changed the history of the Mediterranean 2500-3000 years ago. It could build ships for the Persians, Kiliysky pirates, and for Anthony and Cleopatra. In the south of Turkey, archaeologists excavated new artifacts on the historical ship on Dana Island. This discovery supplements 2015 excavations when researchers have discovered the largest and oldest shipyard in the world dated bronze age, writes Arkeonews. In focus.

Technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Khakan Onis, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Akdeniz University, headed excavations. During research, archaeologists discovered 294 ancient boats. 300 ships could be built on this ship, and smaller boats were made nearby.

These ramps, easily accessible from the sea, were used for both construction and ship service. Researchers noted that the opening of 100 berths is especially amazing. Onnis said, "We were very excited when we were found. We immediately reported this Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In 2016, with the permission of our ministry, we started working on these 100 ramps on Dana Island again, and in 2016-2017 For years, we have found a total of 294 ship ramps during our research.

"So, in this case, the construction of 500-600 warships during the year was significant enough to change all positions in the Mediterranean," he added. The ship, along with other surrounding buildings, including workshops, prayer zones, security towers and a castle structure, played a crucial role in the history of marine shipbuilding. It is believed that it changed the history of the Mediterranean 2500-3000 years ago.

In particular, it could have influenced the battle of Salamin in the 5th century BC, where the Persian and Greek fleets collided. The Persians were a land society, and the Kiliysky people were sailors, because they had no choice. Most of the Persian ships were built accordingly on the Kilician coast. Researchers claim that most Persian ships were created on this ship. In addition, Anthony and Cleopatra ships were also built in the area.

During the Hellenistic period there was also a shipwing of General Antigone, and ships from the island Dana participated in numerous maritime battles. The Kilician pirates in the first century BC used ships from this shipyard for raids on Greek settlements and challenged the Roman Empire. The archaeologist added: "In the first century BC, approximately 1,000 Kilician pirate ships were raids on 500 settlements of Greece, and they even challenged the Roman Empire for a while.

We can say that most ships of these Kiliysk pirates were built on the island of Dana. We have archaeological evidence of this. " Stone tools found on Dana island dated 8,000-10,000 BC indicate that early agricultural societies were used before it was transformed into a shipwreck at a late bronze age. Cedar trees from the surrounding Tavriya mountains provided the necessary raw materials, which made shipbuilding more efficient due to its closeness and safe harbor.

The researcher said: "Cedar trees for this ship are only one to two hours of riding, so there is no problem with raw materials. " Historical records show that in the seventh and sixth centuries BC, the Assyrians attacked the island. Thousands of people, mostly soldiers and workers of ship shipping, defended the island. This safe and rich in resources has made it a strategic object in ancient marine history.