
Putin's spare plan. As the Russian Federation shakes the event to get its in Ukraine

Against the backdrop of the world summit, Putin put forward his new strategy. Describing it, journalist Orest Sochar distinguishes the main thing - the desire to split Western society, seeking the end of the war on his conditions, unacceptable to Ukraine. Against the backdrop of the pro -Ukrainian world of Peace, Putin launched a [DAK] campaign: "Europe should not suffer from war in Ukraine if it can be committed with the expense of the Ukrainians themselves. " Target propaganda - EU voters.

The bunker put on Trump's victory, but in delaying the war he lost a key ally - China. Therefore, the Russian dictator tries [again] to deprive Ukraine of the support of the event. A real trade war broke out between the EU and the PRC: the West is about to lay a frantic duty (up to 40%) of Chinese electric cars, Beijing is set to do the same with European food, in particular - pork.

This is only the beginning, and the conflict of the two markets is interfered with, in particular, the unsolved "Ukrainian issue". Therefore, China is interested in limiting the Timer of the Russian War against Ukraine. Beijing tries to synchronize with Brussels, non -publicly preparing for the autumn the next peaceful summit in Saudi Arabia, but already with the participation of China and the Russian Federation.

The Eurovodates insisted that the agenda of the Swiss summit was reduced from 10 points to 3 "humanities". A concentrated recent summit can be described by two messages: the West spoke of Putin's crimes and the inadmissibility of freezing war on the front line, while the global south - about the expediency of involving the Russian Federation in the next round of negotiations.

A common denominator seems to be found, the forum can become a springboard for the next "peaceful" meeting of the world leaders, with the participation of the PRC and the Russian Federation. Obviously, Beijing will now force Moscow to go with their desires to a level, which will satisfy the great world players and will be acceptable for Ukraine (we are not talking about the borders of 1991). Reality will be greatly different from Putin's geopolitical fantasies.

Now about the new bunker strategy: not being able to influence the politicians of the West, he tries to reach their voters. The message is simple - "You can complete the war much easier than your rulers say. " For Putin, this is the only chance to avoid "peacekeeping" pressure from China. Declaring his "peace plan" last Friday, Putin suggested that the event finish the war in exchange for Ukraine's surrender 4 regions and the dreamed "demilitarization and denacification".

These are the Rymeyk of Istanbul agreements with extended territorial claims. For a greater noise, the "swallowing," merged in Western media, its version "Istanbul". Interestingly, The New York Times de facto published a fake document-the original, March of the Russians, but under April date . . . For even Putin at the press conference showed another version of the final text, where David Arahamia was introduced, in particular, in particular Armed Forces, weapons and more.

And this is a "coincidence" that the "independent" The NYT has published a Russian version of Istanbul agreements immediately after the Friday speech of the Russian dictator. Now more about the purpose of the campaign: In addition to the premieres of Italy and Canada, most G7 leaders are in unstable stretch. The head of the British Government of Sakak remained less than three weeks before the election, after which his party will obviously be lost.

President Macron has announced an extraordinary election after his party lost the far -right elections to the European Parliament. Chancellor Scholtz and his Social Democrats also blow about this election, and about the political history of Joe Baiden is not worth talking. In the fall, the resignation of Japan Fumio Kisida Prime Minister should also be expected.

At the National Education in the EU, the situation is not more optimistic, the far -right is overcome, and the nationalist idea stands on the side of the "light" Putin peace. Putin's message saves oil into this fire, hinting that it is enough to press Ukraine - and G7 from the EU will forget about this problem for a long time. Both Kiev and Moscow are lack of time, trying to accelerate the events in their favor.