
He was stuck and worried: the deputy came to the State Duma of the Russian Federation "Drunk" - Roszmi (video)

Russian politician Sergey Veremeyenko was worried and tried to explain something about the "terrible weapon", which the Russian Federation should show in response to an external threat. On March 12, Sergei Veremeyenko, a deputy from the Unified Russia party, tried to speak from the Unified Russia party. The Russian, who is the head of the leading microprocessor production plant, spoke incorrectly, so there was a suspicion that a man is in a state of intoxication.

The events in the State Duma were told in the Baza Media. Journalists listened to the online broadcasting of the plenary session of the Russian Parliament. At some point, Sergey Veemieenko, who tried to say something to his deputies. It follows from the deciphering of the Russian policy that he tried to ask the chairman of the commission to combat foreign intervention Vasyl Pyskaryova.

In particular, he mentioned that Russia in some way answers every action from the outside, and hinted that abroad may not believe that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation really have a "terrible weapon". "For every almost now the action of unfriendly forces is our opposition. But. Here. We would like to think, but how do we answer them? Or again they will say," And you brought . . . this terrible weapon is actually ". , confused in verbal constructions.

Finally, the speaker of the State Duma Volodymyr Volodin stopped it: he cut off the speaker and thanked for the speech. -68-year-old entrepreneur and deputy of the Federal Assembly of the State Duma from the United Russia Party. The Russian is the Deputy General Director -partners, -indicated on the NAPC portal. It is also sought by the SBU employees for encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Note, at night and morning, a number of explosions at facilities in several Russian regions near the border with Ukraine and at a greater distance came at night and in the morning. In particular, loud sounds were heard in the Belgorod, Kursk and Orel regions. The Defense Ministry reported that there was an attack of 25 drones - everyone seemed to be knocked down. Meanwhile, a fire was published on the network from the Nizhny Novgorod region of the Russian Federation.