
Former prisoners in the Armed Forces: for what they sat, by whom and where they serve - investigation

According to journalists, among the mobilized prisoners are those who were convicted of evasion. All former prisoners sign a contract with the Armed Forces before the end of martial law. More than 13% of prisoners from the total number of convicted citizens of Ukraine have already come to freedom and joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Most of them were mobilized in the first two weeks of May, when the relevant law came into force. This is stated in the investigation "NGL. MEDIA".

The journalists analyzed the court register and found that in two months the opportunity to go to freedom to protect the homeland from Russian invaders, 3611 convicts were already used. "This is more than 13% of the total number of prisoners in Ukrainian colonies," the material reads. 40% of mobilized prisoners are recidivists who have not committed a crime for the first time.

Almost all of them serve in shooting positions, there are only isolated cases where such prisoners have become orderly, chefs or drivers in the Armed Forces. The law also allows to mobilize citizens who have been convicted of murder and torture. It should be noted that one murder is. If a person has deprived the lives of several people, it does not fall under the law.

"In general, 38 convicted under Article 115 of the Criminal Code (premeditated murder) have already taken the right to paid for mobilization," the investigation said. At the same time, the most mobilized former prisoners, were served for theft, robbery and serious injuries. Also among the "recruits", there are those who were convicted of evading mobilization - journalists found ten such cases.

Seven more convicted who expressed their desire to serve in the Armed Forces, received their terms for trying to illegally send military personnel across the border. As the investigators found out, in the ranks of the Ukrainian army were both those who just started to serve their time in prison and those who were left to stay for only a few months.

In order to get to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the convicted person needs to go through several stages: at each of these stages, candidates are screened. In investigation "NGL.

MEDIA" in particular it is stated that there are already 47 cases where the courts have been denied mobilization: in addition, even if the convicted person passed all the stages and released him with freedom on him some additional restrictions, because, under the law , the prisoner is released only from the basic punishment in the form of imprisonment. However, other restrictions - for example, deprivation of the right to manage transport or occupy a certain type of position - remain in force.

Also, such servicemen are not eligible for annual leave. They can only get up to 10 days of leave in family circumstances or after the conclusion of the VLK for the duration of treatment. And after them, additional administrative supervision is carried out by the commanders of the military units. "A contract with former prisoners is concluded before the end of martial law is the main condition for early release," the journalists said in the article.

They also emphasized that for evasion of the contract, they are threatened with a sentence of 5 to 10 years of imprisonment, while the general responsibility for evasion of mobilization provides 3-5 years of imprisonment. If the mobilized convicted committed a repeat crime during service and reappears for lattice, in accordance with the law, he has the right to apply for re -mobilization.